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Postcards from the Parents.. Time together- museums, culture and food!

Trip: October and November 2012

There are [27] stories from my trip: October and November 2012

Last London Day

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 17 Nov 2012 | Views [290]

Woke up feeling a mixture of sadness about the trip coming to an end and excitement about getting home to the family. We'd had a bit of a stocktake over the past few days to see if there was anything that we'd missed doing that we had on our 'must do' ... Read more >

London Day 11

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 12 Nov 2012 | Views [272]

We'd decided that today was the day to introduce Wendy to our excellent train navigation skills and to head out to Hampton Court Palace to have a look around. I'd been there before and it was one of the best set up Palaces that I'd remembered. So off ... Read more >

London Day 10

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 9 Nov 2012 | Views [229]

Another later start to the morning- just because we can and the holiday feeling has really taken hold. We also knew we would be out late tonight- so didn't want to end up with too much time to whittle away at the end of the day. First stop ... Read more >

London Day 9

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 8 Nov 2012 | Views [215]

Our first day with Wendy on holidays too- yay! A bit of a late start leaving the flat after a late night at work for Wendy and a couple of Skype calls home to check in with the family. It's unbelievable that I've now been away for them for so long- they ... Read more >

London Day 8

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 7 Nov 2012 | Views [245]

Walk-bus-walk-train-train-tour bus-walk-tour bus-walk-tour bus-train-train-walk-bus-walk.................... Otherwise known as a day out seeing Stonehenge, Salisbury and Old Sarum- heaps of fun but lots of travelling as you can see. Amazingly we ... Read more >

More London Weekend

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 5 Nov 2012 | Views [270]

Up early to get going to our booked movie tickets. Raining pretty hard outside- hoods up on jackets and taxi catching rather than walking weather. Arrived at the theatre for the 'Scene' experience- though the staff didn't seem to think they were open ... Read more >

London Weekend

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 5 Nov 2012 | Views [234]

It's the weekend- and I slept in !! Completely unheard of usually. It must be the cold weather, the travelling and all the exercise we're doing. Or maybe just taking the opportunities as they arise!! Had a lovely chat to Andrew on the phone but had ... Read more >

London Day 5

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 5 Nov 2012 | Views [306]

Up and away early today as we had further to travel than some other days. We'd had a quick tutorial from Wendy on catching the bus to the station last night- but we were obviously not very good students. Another morning of going the wrong way (but this ... Read more >

London Day 4

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 3 Nov 2012 | Views [218]

It's very tempting to gloss over our morning and just start this entry from after lunch time....but surely some of the best things about travel are the things you learn from your mistakes. In which case I better jot down our comedy of errors of ... Read more >

London Day 3

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 2 Nov 2012 | Views [229]

A much slower and later start to the day today- by the time we'd put in a couple of Skype calls to check how Ethie went on his first school orientation and to show Mum & Dad that the new powercord really does work (and to have a lovely chat), ... Read more >

London Day 2

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 2 Nov 2012 | Views [275]

Starting to feel better- especially after a cosy night's sleep. Headed out again with the intrepid Jacqui, ready to conquer the second half of our self guided tour. Very hard to tell on paper just how much ground you will cover- a lot as we would discover ... Read more >

London Baby Yeah!

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 31 Oct 2012 | Views [316]

Up early after our early night- turns out that Jacqui can actually function in the morning, despite all previous evidence. She'd washed up, made hot drinks and made breakfast before 6.30am. Have never witnesssed such a thing. I was very glad to be the ... Read more >

Photos: Yinchuan

CHINA | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2012 | Photo Gallery

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Travel Day

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2012 | Views [326]

Woke up feeling better from the previous day's afternoon nap, room service for dinner and luxurious showers to help my sore neck. Said goodbyes to my lovely and sick travelling companion for the past week- bye Belinda, hope you get better soon and get ... Read more >

Back to Beijing

CHINA | Saturday, 27 Oct 2012 | Views [371]

Oh we both slept badly on the train.  Not sure why as we had less people in the cabin (only two double bunks) and we could close the door to block out some of the smoke. The toilet situation was a little bit better too. However we both slept fitfully ... Read more >

Yinchuan Day 4

CHINA | Friday, 26 Oct 2012 | Views [299]

A very laid back kind of day today- a few trips here and there but mostly sitting on the couch, drinking coffee, drinking tea, chatting and laughing. It was lovely to see Ben, who got back late last night but it was priceless to see Adah's reaction to ... Read more >

Yinchuan Day 3

CHINA | Friday, 26 Oct 2012 | Views [547] | Comments [1]

Another lovely night’s sleep and leisurely morning, though many frustrating technical moments for me trying to upload photos and stories- meaning that I left my camera behind today as photos were still loading. I instead spent the morning in charge ... Read more >

Yinchuan Day 2

CHINA | Friday, 26 Oct 2012 | Views [428]

A very slow start to the morning today, which is just unheard of usually! More chats around the table and unhurried time spent together. Adah had a wonderfully long morning sleep and we didn’t stir from the apartment until lunchtime.   ... Read more >

Yinchuan Day 1

CHINA | Friday, 26 Oct 2012 | Views [357]

The train trip was much more comfortable than we expected, though we did tread a fine line between dehydration and not wanting to use the toilets too much. We got some sleep on reasonably clean and comfortable beds with the only disturbance to our slumber ... Read more >

Beijing Day 2

CHINA | Friday, 26 Oct 2012 | Views [369]

We had an excellent go at trying everything at the buffet this morning: pumpkin cakes, cucumber juice and the egg bar! We had been dreaming of the yummy croissants too but learnt a valuable lesson- she who hesitates at the croissant station gets no croissant…... Read more >

Tags: beijing

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