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Big Small Journey Off on the adventure of my lifetime: 5 glorious months of sun and snow in South America, then the UK for further fun and frolicking.


There are [276] photos and [23] stories about Argentina

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Byebye South America - Yay Hurray!!!

Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Views [994]

Hopefully I didn´t speak too soon. I´ll be crying lots if I don´t get on a flight tonight. The funny thing about Ecuadorians is they´re SO pround of their country. Almost anybody I meet wants to know if I liked it, how long I spent here, whether I spent ... Read more >

Byebye Cusco

Sunday, 11 May 2008 | Views [765]

Despite the warnings that I would stay longer than I wish, I think I`m leaving just on time. In total I`ve spent about 3 days in Cusco, the rest have been to Machu Picchu and the rafting. It`s a lovely city but doesn`t show you what Peru is really ... Read more >


Wednesday, 9 Apr 2008 | Views [686]

I saw snow! It was raining, then it started snowing, and it was amazing! I got to El Calafate yesterday about 10am. Uneventful flight, managed to find people to share the 50 peso cab ride from the airport into Calafate. Met Kat at the hostel! It was ... Read more >

Gallery: Making Dulce de Leche (a kind of fudge caramel) and other things

Sunday, 6 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Farm, sunrises and sunsets, moon

Sunday, 6 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Horses!

Sunday, 6 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

Horse riding and gaucho stuff up near Mercedes, 2 weeks
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The Gaucho experience

Sunday, 6 Apr 2008 | Views [1922]

Wow, and wow. I loved it, but there were many bad bits as well. Firstly, the good. Riding is amazing. I went out with the gauchos 5 times (5!!!), riding the fields, slashing through tall grass, herding cows, making my cow herding noises. You have ... Read more >

El Campo

Tuesday, 1 Apr 2008 | Views [773]

I'm in this massive flat flat land, lots or horses, lots of cows, lots of chickens, ducks, turkeys, birds, toads etc, and lots of insects. Been here a week now, have a few riding lessons, helped the experienced guys train horses. Riding, catching horses, ... Read more >


Tuesday, 25 Mar 2008 | Views [653]

My goodness, horses are amazing. They're big, strong, majestic, smart, smelly, naughty, cute, lovely, stubborn, wild, tame... lots of contradictions, just like people. I've been on the ranch 3 days now, had 2 riding lessons, and will have a practise ... Read more >

Transportation misery

Thursday, 20 Mar 2008 | Views [728]

Ohhh... sadness... Voy a escribir este historia en espa ñ ol malo. Esta noche, fui a la bus termina a Mercedes para la estancia, pero no sab í esta la semana santa esta semana. Hay cinco or seis bus companias para Mercedes, pero todos las companias ... Read more >

Gallery: El Calafate

Thursday, 20 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

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The Gauchess

Thursday, 20 Mar 2008 | Views [522] | Comments [1]

Peoples, I have a dream, I want to be a cowboy! In about 24 hours I will arrive a ranch near Mercedes, where I will commence this amazing transformation. Actually I'm just volunteering there for 2 weeks (volunteer for the previlege of working with ... Read more >

The world is a beautiful place

Monday, 17 Mar 2008 | Views [597]

The last couple of days has absolutely affirmed my reasons for travelling. This world is beautiful. Down here, at the most southern point of South America, "El Fin del Mundo" (The End of the World), you are reminded of the majesty of living ... Read more >

Gallery: Ushuaia

Sunday, 16 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Buenos Aires still (nicer photos)

Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

Took my nice camera out
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Oops, missed my flight

Wednesday, 12 Mar 2008 | Views [1029]

Let me start right at the beginning... Monday morning, I woke up fresh and happy. I did my errands and managed to get a couple hours of study in before my final Spanish class. After that, I went off to the drum performance and even got there not very ... Read more >

Gallery: Buenos Aires

Wednesday, 12 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Oh my feet hurt

Monday, 10 Mar 2008 | Views [794]

Because of the rain and crappy planning yesterday, didn't get to go to Recoleta Cemetery as I had hoped to. Got home about 5 last night, and while leaving the party at Roxy was just at it's peak. BA-ers, "Puertinos", go hard and they go late.... Read more >

Tags: adventures

Roxy Rox my Sox

Sunday, 9 Mar 2008 | Views [1302]

Damn busy day for me today. I went into La Boca in the morning to see the famous colourful houses at Caminito. It was very pretty, God even graced me with a few flashes of sunlight, so I think I took some pretty pictures. I bought some artware, ... Read more >

Tags: adventures

A Banana in BA

Saturday, 8 Mar 2008 | Views [797]

Oh it's a fantastic thing being me, Australia, walking into a supermarket in Argentina and being talk to the store owners in Chinese coz I couldn't say what I wanted in Spanish. It's lovely. It's a Banana grilled Pparrilla style. I read in a toilet ... Read more >

Tags: adventures

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