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Goodbye New Jersey. Hello World! A record of my journey as I give up my job, my possessions, and life as I know it to go off and see the world!


There are [0] photos and [17] stories about Australia

Adventures in Tasmania: Part II

Thursday, 27 Jan 2011 | Views [2376]

I have bug bites all over, a swollen ankle and haven’t slept properly in about 3 days. And I am sad, but not for the reasons you would think. Today I had to say goodbye to Tasmania, a place where I have spent the last 2 weeks roaming around without ... Read more >

Tags: tasmania

Australian Backpacking: Definitely Not the Same as Europe

Monday, 24 Jan 2011 | Views [13346] | Comments [1]

Backpackers are always easy to spot. They’ve got the massive pack on their back plus the daypack they wear around their chest in the front. Sometimes you will see a tent or sleeping bag strapped onto the back as well. You will often find their face ... Read more >

Tags: australia

Adventures in Tasmania

Monday, 24 Jan 2011 | Views [3584] | Comments [2]

I can’t recall the last time I felt so tired. I also can’t recall the last time I felt so content and happy with myself. I was anxious in Melbourne and uneasy. I had a wonderful time celebrating the holidays but I was unsure about actually living ... Read more >

Tags: tasmania

Australia vs. America: The Little Differences

Wednesday, 12 Jan 2011 | Views [229453] | Comments [100]

I am getting pretty close to spending 3 months in Australia.   Over this time, I have noticed some subtle differences between here and the states.   I would like to take some time to acknowledge some differences and similarities between the two:... Read more >

A Big Thank You

Monday, 10 Jan 2011 | Views [2823] | Comments [1]

I started my trip in Ireland at the beginning of July.   On my tour of the island I met 3 people that were travelling together: Stacey, Francis and Shane.   Stacey and Francis are a couple from Melbourne and Shane is Stacey’s brother.... Read more >

It's Official: 6 Months From Home

Monday, 10 Jan 2011 | Views [2226] | Comments [1]

As I write this it is 2011.…but still 2010 at home.   At home it will be 2011 in about 15 minutes.   Today marks a new year.   Today marks the day I have officially been away from home for 6 months.   I can’t believe I have hit ... Read more >

Have Yourself a Very Aussie Christmas.....

Sunday, 26 Dec 2010 | Views [2343]

This Christmas Eve I got to have my photograph taken in front of a giant cod.   I am thinking not too many people can say that.   The gigantic cod is a large road side attraction in a town called Swan Hill, located a 4 hour drive north of Melbourne ... Read more >

Tags: australia, christmas, melbourne, swan hill

Sisterly Love

Thursday, 16 Dec 2010 | Views [1874] | Comments [1]

I know that no matter where the world takes me I will always have my sister. About a half an hour ago I saw her off back home. We stood on the curb outside of our hostel in St. Kilda, a section of Melbourne by the water. We stood there and waited ten ... Read more >

Tags: australia, great ocean road, port campbell, sisters

Family Road Trip on the Sapphire Coast

Saturday, 11 Dec 2010 | Views [2493] | Comments [1]

Have you ever met people in your life that you immediately cliqued with? People with whom you feel careless and free and like you could conquer the world with? Certain individuals in which being with them is as easy as breathing and collectively you ... Read more >

Tags: australia, merimbula, road trip

Good Friends, Cockroaches, Santa Claus and Other Adventures in Woy Woy

Saturday, 11 Dec 2010 | Views [4208]

There’s a cockroach scuttling along the floor in my friend Amanda’s house. We both squeal as I stand at a distance and attempt to gas the thing with spray. In my head all I am thinking is “die die die!” Who would have thought such vicious thoughts could ... Read more >

Tags: australia, woy woy

Finding My Center in the Blue Mountains of Australia

Thursday, 25 Nov 2010 | Views [2164]

“Whinging” is an expression used in Australia for complaining.   It’s my understanding that the expression is used mostly if you complain a lot.   I guess in “Jersey-speak” we would call it “bitching and moaning”.   I’m sorry to say I’ve been doing ... Read more >

Tags: australia, blue mountains, katoomba

Dumpster Diving in Katoomba

Tuesday, 23 Nov 2010 | Views [3510] | Comments [1]

It’s almost midnight and I am shining a torch into a dumpster behind a Coles supermarket in Katoomba, Australia.   Katoomba is a small mountain town an hour train ride from Sydney.   I am accompanied by 3 people I have just met a few hours ago.   ... Read more >

Tags: australia, blue mountains, couchsurfing, katoomba

A Reminder to Keep My Guard Up

Tuesday, 23 Nov 2010 | Views [2361] | Comments [5]

I haven’t written in awhile.   To be honest it’s because I don’t have much to say.   Australia is beautiful.   The beaches are lovely, sand is white, the ocean is deep blue.   Being here has been a great holiday and incredibly relaxing.   In terms ... Read more >

Tags: australia, coffs harbour, women solo traveling

Observations of Aboriginals

Tuesday, 9 Nov 2010 | Views [2167] | Comments [5]

I decided that my last meal in Darwin was going to be fish and chips. I hadn’t had any in awhile and I was craving it (and the price was right too!) I went to an outdoor take away place where they served me 3 massive pieces of mackerel on heaps of fries.... Read more >

Tags: aboriginals, australia, darwin

“Poor Attempts at Philosophy While Making My Way Through the Outback”

Wednesday, 3 Nov 2010 | Views [1695] | Comments [2]

I like to take photos of road signs. The picture I just took from the bus window gave the following information: “Stuart Highway. Ti Tree 126, Tennant Creek 440, Darwin 1428” These numbers are in kilometers. My destination? Darwin of course - starting ... Read more >

Halloween in the Outback

Wednesday, 3 Nov 2010 | Views [1920] | Comments [1]

Today I celebrated Halloween at the top end of Australia - Kakadu National Park to be exact. It’s the first time on my trip that I have somewhat missed home. It just doesn’t quite feel like Halloween here - with temperatures in the 90’s and no fall ... Read more >

Tags: australia, darwin, outback


Wednesday, 27 Oct 2010 | Views [2265] | Comments [2]

Most Americans arrive in Australia by way of Sydney or Melbourne.   Their first sights of the country are the typical Sydney opera house and the sandy white beaches.   I’m sure that there is tons of touristy stuff there promoting Australia - the ... Read more >

Tags: australia, perth



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