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Goodbye New Jersey. Hello World! A record of my journey as I give up my job, my possessions, and life as I know it to go off and see the world!

A Big Thank You

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 10 January 2011 | Views [2881] | Comments [1]

I started my trip in Ireland at the beginning of July.  On my tour of the island I met 3 people that were travelling together: Stacey, Francis and Shane.  Stacey and Francis are a couple from Melbourne and Shane is Stacey’s brother.  We had great fun together, along with the rest of our tour mates.  I remember telling everyone that I was planning on going to Australia eventually for a working holiday.  I listened as Shane told me how beautiful the town Merimbula was, where he came from, and I got an invite from Stacey to celebrate Christmas with her and her family so I wouldn’t be alone.  I couldn’t get over how nice the three of them were, and I was excited with the thought of seeing them again.  I remember when I first got to Australia Shane was one of the first people to text me when I got my Australian phone number.  Stacey called me soon after to check in on me and see how I was doing.  It was so nice to be in a country where I actually knew people were caring about me, having gone so long in places where I barely knew anyone. 


I showed up at Stacey and Francis’s place to stay on December 16th.  I had no plan really, just to find work and get a place to live as quickly as I could.  Things didn’t quite go as planned.  I found myself struggling with the idea of if I really wanted to stay and live in Melbourne. I applied vigorously for temporary jobs online but was having no luck.  To be honest, I could have tried harder to find a job, but my heart wasn’t quite into it.  So instead I was slightly lost, not sure about what I was going to do next.  But Stacey and Francis were totally cool with me staying with them, offering their spare room and inviting me to things with their friends and family.  They made me feel welcome and not guilty about crashing.  They never made me feel like I was being a mooch.   I can’t get over their generosity towards me.  We had fun together as well, going on long car trips to Swan Hill and Merimbula.  They also had the privilege of learning some nerdy parts of my past – something that I usually don’t share with people I meet while travelling. 

I am not sure how things would have been different if I just stayed in a hostel the whole time while I was here in Melbourne.  But I needed this.  I needed my own room for awhile, a nice bed to sleep in.  I needed time to think.  Why am I here?  What is the purpose of this trip?  What do I want to do next? And I definitely got to see a side of them that I never saw in Ireland.  Stacey and Francis are one of the sweetest couples that I have ever seen, and I have been spending the last few weeks seeing what a great relationship looks like.  They are seriously perfect for each other.  I hope that when I do decide to commit to someone again I will have what they have together. 

So thanks guys, thanks for everything.  You are some of the nicest, most generous people that I have ever met and I will never forget that. I wish that I could give you something amazing in return but at the moment all I can give is this post.  If you ever come my way and I have a place you know that you will be able to stay as long as you want too.  I also hope that you two have a rocking time in Malaysia and the Philippines – you two certainly deserve the time together. 

Now, on January 12th I leave for Tasmania.  Back to hostel living and eventually camping.  Let me tell you, living that way make me appreciate a private room and shower so much more.  It’s amazing the little things in life you take for granted that can become so pleasurable after backpacking.  I know that it’s going to be a long while before I have my own bed again so I better make sure I get the most out of my last few nights!



Hi Lauren,
I-m visiting this wev site for the first time..I-m planning to make a travel in september that will take me off a mounth I guess..well,I liked so much your stories and I would ask you some info how to organise a travel alone in the wolrd!!!
best wishes!!!!!!!

  Valentina Jan 11, 2011 4:27 AM



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