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Russian Federation

There are [0] photos and [3] stories about Russian Federation

My Travel Writing Scholarship 2011 entry - Journey in an Unknown Culture

Monday, 14 Mar 2011 | Views [3261] | Scholarship Entry

It’s day three on the Trans-Siberian train and I’ve decided to wash my hair. So, how does one go about washing their hair in a simple train toilet? Step one, obtain some hot water, which thankfully is in abundance. Two, develop the right combination ... Read more >

Tags: #2011writing, travel writing scholarship 2011

Riding the Tran Siberian Train

Saturday, 18 Sep 2010 | Views [2066]

It’s day 3 on the Tran Siberian Railway and I’ve decided to attempt to wash my hair. It’s not that I am particularly vain but my hair has become gross, and I certainly do have the time. So, how does one go about washing their hair in a train bathroom ... Read more >

Tags: russia, tran siberian train

"Toto, I Don't Think We Are In Kansas Anymore": First Impressions of St. Petersburg

Sunday, 12 Sep 2010 | Views [2235] | Comments [1]

St. Petersburg is one of the coolest cities that I have ever been to. I have also never felt more dumb in my life. Let me explain the former first. I was fortunate to be able to arrive in St. Petersburg as the sun was setting and got to take in all ... Read more >

Tags: russia, st. petersburg



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