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Goodbye New Jersey. Hello World! A record of my journey as I give up my job, my possessions, and life as I know it to go off and see the world!


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "blue mountains".

Finding My Center in the Blue Mountains of Australia

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 25 Nov 2010 | Views [2164]

“Whinging” is an expression used in Australia for complaining.   It’s my understanding that the expression is used mostly if you complain a lot.   I guess in “Jersey-speak” we would call it “bitching and moaning”.   I’m sorry to say I’ve been doing ... Read more >

Tags: australia, blue mountains, katoomba

Dumpster Diving in Katoomba

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 23 Nov 2010 | Views [3510] | Comments [1]

It’s almost midnight and I am shining a torch into a dumpster behind a Coles supermarket in Katoomba, Australia.   Katoomba is a small mountain town an hour train ride from Sydney.   I am accompanied by 3 people I have just met a few hours ago.   ... Read more >

Tags: australia, blue mountains, couchsurfing, katoomba

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