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There are [0] photos and [8] stories tagged with "shopping".

A day that epitomises why I travel.

TURKEY | Tuesday, 17 Feb 2015 | Views [819] | Comments [1]

Judging Istabul by Istiklal street is like going to the Taj Mahal and judging it by the garden out the front. I may have been a bit too premature with my praise for Istanbul, literally, but after a couple of days in Sultanahment, I don't think my approbation ... Read more >

Tags: istanbul, lost, mosque, shopping

Tears, taxi thieves, transport truants, then tattoos on Tramadol in Thailand.

VIETNAM | Thursday, 16 Dec 2010 | Views [2327]

Leaving a country should never make for interesting reading, unless you have a fetish for missed flights. My obsession with such an activity is bordering on perverse, but I still adhere to the same casual approach to punctuality. Leaving anywhere ... Read more >

Tags: flights, friends, shopping, tattoo

Spending in Saigon like it'll save my life.

VIETNAM | Sunday, 5 Dec 2010 | Views [1823] | Comments [2]

Yeah, I brought an expired credit card with me overseas. No worries for the naïve. Move money around like its millions and I can spend dollars like they're Vietnamese Dong. It's good karma keeping the economy going. Before long though, ... Read more >

Tags: friends, shopping, sight seeing

Fear and clothing in Hoi An

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 2 Nov 2010 | Views [1527]

My stay in Hoi An certainly didn't start on the right foot because it didn't start on my feet. The friendly hotel receptionist at Hue had organised his 'friend' to pick us up and escort us to his $10 hotel that had a pool. We were ... Read more >

Tags: on the road, shopping, touts

Touted to intolerance before reaching tailor town.

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 2 Nov 2010 | Views [1103]

Most tourism involves some test of patience when confronted by conditions or customs completely at odds with what is considered normal back home. One's understanding and appreciation of the diversity of humanity is broadened by approaching ... Read more >

Tags: philosophy, shopping, touts

Luck so bad it requires a name change.

VIETNAM | Thursday, 21 Oct 2010 | Views [3088] | Comments [2]

Sapa is Vietnam's trekking capital, and we had gone there with a vague idea to do just that. With loafers left over from the wedding being my only shoes, it shows just how vague I am. I hiked to Cat Cat village in them and nearly ... Read more >

Tags: hospitals, misadventures, shopping

Perth must be the capital of Western Europe.

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 4 Apr 2009 | Views [1434]

I'm out West, and I know it. If I didn't, most signs, businesses, and products have a reference to the 'West' in them. We're not East Coast and we're damn proud of it! I can't see that as a good enough reason to shoot someone, but I offer many thanks ... Read more >

Tags: on the road, people, shopping

Bolstering the Thai economy.

THAILAND | Sunday, 28 Jan 2007 | Views [1786] | Comments [2]

So fourth time in Chiang Mai! What to do other than buy more worthless shit. I made the most of my time alone when Gemma & Adam visited Pai. If making the most of your time can also be read as doing bugger all. I visited a nice park and gave my ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

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