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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "tattoo".

It ends where it all began.

THAILAND | Tuesday, 31 Mar 2015 | Views [871]

A holiday isn't really over until you are back on home soil, but Bangkok is as close to home as it gets, geographically and sentimentally. It is very familiar territory and a great place to unwind and transition back into the Broome heat of my real home ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, friends, home, tattoo

Julia vs. the animal kingdom; 1-1 draw.

THAILAND | Sunday, 8 Feb 2015 | Views [972]

If this holiday goes as quickly as what the last five days did, I will be home a week ago. Sure, most of what Julia and I did in Bangkok revolved around the consumption of alcohol, but as soon as we divided up the vast tracks of land that constituted ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, eating, fish, khao san road, scorpian, selfies, tattoo

Tears, taxi thieves, transport truants, then tattoos on Tramadol in Thailand.

VIETNAM | Thursday, 16 Dec 2010 | Views [2327]

Leaving a country should never make for interesting reading, unless you have a fetish for missed flights. My obsession with such an activity is bordering on perverse, but I still adhere to the same casual approach to punctuality. Leaving anywhere ... Read more >

Tags: flights, friends, shopping, tattoo

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