Wednesday, 4 Feb 2015 | Views [865]

After somehow managing to spend about $5 for the entire day visiting the Monas, easily overlooking the fact that Claire fetched beer and paid for it while I cooked dinner, my last day was going to be about getting rid of the remaining Rupiah I had. Even ... Read more >
Tags: dining out, food, jakarta, travel
Sunday, 1 Feb 2015 | Views [749]

After my close encounter of the non-consensual kind in the last journal, I wasn't feeling as suspicious of Indonesians as what most people would. So far, I would rate them pretty highly in the friendly stakes with the other Asian countries I have visited.... Read more >
Tags: city, jakarta, language, locals, monuments, transport
Friday, 30 Jan 2015 | Views [694]

For a place that sells non-alcoholic Guinness, Jakarta isn't too bad a city. Zero ABV stout is a grave insult to all I hold dear but if a place didn't have quirks, even offensive ones, there would be no reason to leave home at all. Being the size it ... Read more >
Tags: bogor, ex-pats, gardens, jakarta, rain, tinder, trains
Friday, 30 Jan 2015 | Photo Gallery
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Monday, 26 Jan 2015 | Views [832]

PART 1: On the plane. Who ever gets an emergency exit row all to themselves? I've got more space on this plane than I had in my Bangkok hotel room. And this is a tiger flight, infamous for turning coach into a daisy-chain with 3 inches of padding separating ... Read more >
Tags: airports, drugs, friends, language, lost, planes, taxi