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Rebel with a cause 6 weeks, 2 countries, 4 climates and just myself to explore :-)!

End of a life trip

PERU | Thursday, 5 Dec 2013 | Views [345]

So my last day in Cusco I spent just chilling, playing on the internet, last minute shopping and massage pampering :-). Let's just say I am ready to go back to the real world. So the trip back is for sure going to kill my last brain cells. After getting ... Read more >

Photos: Maras & Moray

PERU | Monday, 2 Dec 2013 | Photo Gallery

Inca sites
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Maras & Moray

PERU | Monday, 2 Dec 2013 | Views [701]

So the weekend has come and gone. I decided to go and visit a couple more touristic sites before I leave Cusco. I made a trip to Maras & Moray. The first site was a very interesting Inca site. It was what they called an experimental agricultural ... Read more >

Weekend in Cusco

PERU | Saturday, 30 Nov 2013 | Views [302]

Saturday after the trip to Machu Pichu. I woke up refreshed after the exhausting trip. My intnetions were to not do much for thr next few days since its my last 5 days and want to make sure I am not exhausted when I land back in PDX. Of course, things ... Read more >

Trip to Machu. Pichu Day 2

PERU | Friday, 29 Nov 2013 | Views [366]

So lets just say that not much sleep was had :-). I got out of bed at 4am for a quick shower and then was at breakfast by 4.30am. The group consist of 6 Spanish people and 1 Mexican guy. After advice from the hostel we de ided not to hike to the entrance ... Read more >

Photos: Machu Pichu Mountain and Ruins

PERU | Friday, 29 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

Machu Pichu
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Trip to Machu Pichu Day 1

PERU | Thursday, 28 Nov 2013 | Views [256]

Happy Thanksgiving to my friends in the US. I am taking a 2 day trip to Machu Pichu by train :-). So first we have the opportunity to visit 2 more archeological sites on route to the train station, we first stop in Pisac, already at the start of the ... Read more >

Photos: Pisac and Ollantaytambo

PERU | Thursday, 28 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

On route to Machu Pichu
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Photos: Inca and Pre-Ruins as well as Chapel

PERU | Wednesday, 27 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Visiting the surroundings of Cusco

PERU | Wednesday, 27 Nov 2013 | Views [241]

So another day of adventures and i have decided to take a tour of different Inca and Pre-Inca ruins int he outskirts of Cusco. I join a bus of around 30 Spanish speaking tourist and we drive for around 1h to arrive to the first area which is an old temple ... Read more >

Photos: Cusco city and surroundings

PERU | Tuesday, 26 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

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More Cusco

PERU | Tuesday, 26 Nov 2013 | Views [235]

So I have nothung booked for this day. I have decided to walk the San Pedro Market as it one of the most famous ones of the city. So after breakfast I make my way to the market. Just a 10min walk. And it is true, the market is huge. There are different ... Read more >

Cusco City

PERU | Monday, 25 Nov 2013 | Views [256]

First Full day in Cusco. I awake refreshend after getting a good night sleep. Imhabr booked myself on a city tour just after lunch. So i spend the morning updating journal and uploading Galapagos photos. Riverting, I know :-). I then treat myself to ... Read more >

Leaving Galapagos for Peru

PERU | Sunday, 24 Nov 2013 | Views [275] | Comments [1]

So it was sad leaving the Endevour boat which has been my home for the past 8 days as well as the nic people I have met. These past 2 days have consisted of travelling back to Ecuador mailand as well as to flying to Peru. I was so tired by the time I ... Read more >

Photos: Galapagos Islands

ECUADOR | Saturday, 23 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

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San Cristobal Island

ECUADOR | Friday, 22 Nov 2013 | Views [269]

Last full day in thr Galapagos. Its been an extraordinary trip up to now. Today we disembark on San Cristobal Island. We start the mornin with a hike after breakfast. This Island is home of the Red Footy boobies, and even though there are a lot more ... Read more >

Santiago Island

ECUADOR | Thursday, 21 Nov 2013 | Views [288]

Well, I've been on this boat already half of the time, but let me say it feels as if I have been here many weeks! I have made some good friends and met some interesting people. Today's adventures takes us to Santiago Island which is back on the East ... Read more >

Santa Cruz Island

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 20 Nov 2013 | Views [283]

Arriving to the Island of Santa Cruz today. This is a habitated island so it's strange to see houses, more boats and people after a few days of just us. We disembark at port by zodiac and do a small walk to the Charles Darwin Centre. This has been ... Read more >

Isabela Island

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 19 Nov 2013 | Views [254]

And another new Island of the archipelago. Isabela Island. This is the largest of the islands and many years ago was actually 3 Islands. Right now there are actually 6 volcanos on this Island. But again, eruptions are a little bit more diferent than ... Read more >

Fernandina Island

ECUADOR | Monday, 18 Nov 2013 | Views [318]

So over night the boat has been sailing and we will be introduced to Fernandina Island and Isabela Island today. After a better sleep but still esrly rise (4.30am) we are all given the opportunity to go to deck at sunrise to see the landscape of the ... Read more >

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