Hi, as you may have garnered from the information psoted above, this will be my last journal entry from Canadian soils. It is a bittersweet moment that is making me feel reflective, melancholy and a little bit homesick.
The lie I told on my last journal was that my hair got cut in a superglue accident. This may be disappointing to those who think I would look spectacular with a mullet.
I will take a moment to post some reflections about Canada. Both positive aspects and some negative.
1. I have met many interesting people in Canada from all different walks of life. They have been a joy to know.
2. I got involved in theatre again. Despite some of my grumblings I have really enjoyed doing theatre again and hope that I can continue this wherever I end up.
3. I got to visit some remarkable places. Quebec was very cool. I ejoyed everywhere that we went. New York was one of the most exciting places I have seen.
4. I got to work a lot of different jobs. Some were more fun than others. The fire house cleaning was not the most fun... but it gave me something to do.
5. I survived... nay thrived without a car. Cars suck.
6. I experienced a cold winter. A long, cold, horrible winter.
7. I realised that my typing is very bad. Typing, spelling, grammar...
8. I realised that comparitively, Australian beuracracy is not so bad after all.
9. I learnt that if I don't see friends and family for a long time I miss them.
10. I like travelling.
Reflect and learn