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Janet Cheeseman is Great!

CANADA | Tuesday, 21 February 2006 | Views [1288] | Comments [8]

Before I get down to anything I'd like to take a moment to recognise the greatness of Janet. The sparkling wit, the kind soul, the entreprenaurial spirit. To think I had spent so much time on this site without mentioning these things makes me hang my head in shame. Janet you are great and I am very glad that you have been commenting. Please continue and say hello to Rodger and Emma for me.

Happy Happy Happy birthday to my two favorite twins (except for mum and Janet) in th whole world. I hope you have a super super fine day. Tim party on in India, Simon get down at Dale.

Ok. I have a LOT to tell you all. I may split everything so that the next journal I write has stuff in it also. Ok. On Friday I had the best day of work EVER.

As the bus pulled up I looked up and down the street and saw that all of the lights were off. When I went in to the store I saw everyone huddled around the front discussing what should be done. While the managers were making phone calls I sat on one of the comfy chairs that always look so good when you have been on your feet all day. I chatted with some of the other staff until they put the generator on and we had to put stuff out and they got ready to open the store. Nothing worked. All of the sales were put through by hand. There was a blizzard out side and people still were pulling up to shop for our crap. After a while the generator died and Everyone was ushered out of the store. We sat at the front of the store while the store manager tried to give us stuff to do in front of the windows which was the only place you could see. Then the lights came on. It was chaos. I love chaos.

I went out to dinner with Jane Anns family on Friday night. We went to a crazy buffet place that had EVERYTHING. It was pretty cool. I got a little disorientated though and spent some time wandering aimlessly around the various dishes.

On Saturday and Sunday I worked. It was REALLY cold and I had to catch 2 buses to get to and from work (my normal bus doesn't run on the weekend) and wait in -18 degree temperature for the bus. It took me two hours to get there and back. That was a drag.

I also have gotten a part in the play that I have auditioned for. I am not sure what part I have gotten. I didn't get the phone call, a message was left on the machine. I have emailed the guy but I am still not sure. You'll all find out next time. I have the first practice tommorrow. I am VERY excited. I haven't been so excited about anything for a long time. Which brings me to my final point. I asked my work if I could be made unavailable on Tuesday an Thursday evenings so I could go to rehearsals. They said NO! So tommorrow I will resign. It just isn't worth it. I have an interview tommorrow at a bookstore for part-time and ant a call centre on Thursday. Call centre is Mon-Fri 9-5 for 11 weeks. That would be perfect. Send good vibes. I hope everyone is well and doing fine. Talk to you all soon.

Tags: Work



You're right. She is great. Sue, in rain, hail, sleet or snow, people always need their ceramic chickens. It's like the one day a year when the power goes off at school, and therefore all the rules are out, and you could descend to rule of the animal. It was fantastic!
Don't be ridiculous Sue: -18 degrees is not even possible. You got a part! That is very awesome! Whatever it is you are doing, say it with a thick brick Australian accent, and the audience will think it's great.
Surely someone has mentioned Ben Cousins, the captain of the West Coast Eaagles? I know how much you miss your football Sue. Two Saturdays ago, he parked his car 300m from a police breathalyser, and just ran away. The hilarious things was that he had friends in the car- what did he expect them to do, catch the train home? He's not captain anymore.
ALL THOSE IN THE HOUSE CLAP BOTH SETS OF HANDS TOGETHER FOR Simon's Top Ten List Of Our Favourite Twins: 1.Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzeneggar 2.Simon and Tim 3.Johnny Depp and Skeet Ulrich 4.Jack Black and Jack White 5.Mark and Steve Waugh 6.Ray Martin and Dexter the computer 7.Mary Kate and Ashley 8.Gandalf and Dumbledore 9.Tom Cruise and a piece of wood. 10.Twin poles. Bye now.

  Simon James Feb 22, 2006 2:29 AM


Thats absolutely fantastic Sue. I hope you got a very important role in the play. I assume you didnt see Rowdy Roddy Piper because you'd mention it if you did. Guess who I saw! I saw Boney M and nearly got on stage. It was awesome, they were dancing and the man was doing backflips and pelvic thrusts. It was really hot today and then there was a storm and Dad almost hit a sacred ibis that was trying to fly in the rain. We still havent got your package. We're starting to doubt its existance. Also, you may not know this but Marty and Jess from Big Brother broke up. Jess said Marty chose Roo-shootin' and Pig Stabbin' over her, I read it in a magazine. I know thats something you care very deeply about.

  Ebony Feb 22, 2006 2:52 AM


Hi, Susan. I was thinking about you around 8.00am this morning (ie 7.00pm Tues your time) and sending good vibes for your rehearsal. I hope it went really well. I can't imagine being outside in -18 degrees. I think I would lose all my fingers and toes and my nose. It was 40 degrees here yesterday, but it dropped to 30 degrees in half an hour after the rain started. A little addendum about the Ben Cousins affair. It occupied the front page of the paper for several days running and has been almost the sole topic on talk-back radio. You would have thought there had been another tsunami. Love, Mum.

  Mum Feb 22, 2006 1:59 PM


Hi there Sue. I’ve never met Janet but she sounds like a really nice person. As for Beny Boy… he has really stuffed up big time. What WAS he thinking? But it is the police response that I like. Today, as I was travelling home on the train from Gosnells to Armadale, I saw a very interesting site. The cops had set up the largest booze bus blockade I have ever seen. I kid you not… there were at least 50 coppers, 20+ cars, Two booze buses and hundreds… yes hundreds of orange ‘witches hats’ (traffic diversion devices). What made me laugh is that there was a lone motorcycle officer stationed about 300 metres down the road. He had his bike parked on the median strip and he was sitting on what looked like a police issue milk create. I can only guess that he was there in case others in the community felt that it was acceptable to abandon their cars and flee the scene. What is the moral of all this? If you have been drinking before 10am on a Wednesday morning and you happen to be driving from Kelmscott to Gosnells… take Railway Ave. Catchya later.

  Master Patt Feb 22, 2006 2:29 PM


This writer is NOT Susan Fahey. This person has stolen my identity, and is setting you up. They keep deleting my messages. I have not been able to communicate to any of you since I left. DON'T BELIEVE HER! She knows everything. Please believe ME.

  THE REAL SUSAN Feb 24, 2006 2:11 AM


Comment number 5 is Simon. You can tell by putting the mouse over their name. It says unclebangbang

  Ebony Feb 24, 2006 12:50 PM


***I*** am the real Susan. Just hover the mouse over my name.

  THE REAL REAL SUSAN Feb 24, 2006 1:31 PM


SPOIL SPORTS. Now the real Susan is dead, and you'll have to keep listening to all the lies.

  THE REAL SUSAN Feb 25, 2006 12:26 AM



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