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Europe 2012


UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 2 Aug 2012 | Views [364]

Our second bout in London has been an amazing experience. After arriving from Stockholm, Adam and I had to go pick up our tickets from a very disorganized organization in perhaps the longest slowest line I have ever seen. Going from the airport to the ... Read more >

Tags: london, olympics

Athens & Stockholm

SWEDEN | Thursday, 26 Jul 2012 | Views [538]

Athens turned out to be quite the happening city. We had unbelievable weather for our stay along with awesome Greek food and good company. It was an enjoyable end to our hot weather streak! The Acropolis and  the Temple of Zeus were a 5 minute walk ... Read more >

Tags: athens, stockholm


GREECE | Monday, 23 Jul 2012 | Views [562]

Hello from Athens! My Internet connection was not the best in Corfu so I have some minor catching up to do. From Rome we trained to Bari, Italy, a tiny port city on the east coast where we caught our ferry to Corfu. We had extremely low expectations ... Read more >

Tags: bari, corfu, greece, pink palace


ITALY | Tuesday, 17 Jul 2012 | Views [420]

Yet again delayed!  Made it to Rome safe and sound. Found out that our original hostel had some faulty plumbing issues, so our host took us to his other place a few blocks away. It is quite nice and we are pretty much the only people in it. Rome is ... Read more >

Tags: colosseum, luzzi, rome, spanish steps, the forum, trevi fountain


ITALY | Friday, 13 Jul 2012 | Views [431]

Made it to Florence easily this morning for yet another super hot day. Checked into our hostel which apparently was designed for people 9ft or taller, the ceilings are so high!  Very nice place and we appear to be the only people staying here; we are ... Read more >

Tags: duomo, florence, statue of david


ITALY | Thursday, 12 Jul 2012 | Views [358]

Venice is a gorgeous city, super confusing to navigate but it is nothing like any other city I have ever seen. After our busy day of travel from Switzerland to Italy involving 4 different trains we decided to take our first night in Venice easy. Our ... Read more >

Tags: aqualandia, gondola, venice

Delayed blogging

SWITZERLAND | Tuesday, 10 Jul 2012 | Views [492]

I am a little behind on my blogging due to the Swiss wifi connection, but that is fine by me because Switzerland was far too pretty to be on the Internet anyways. Rewind to our last night in Munich. Adam and I decided to go to the chinese bier garden ... Read more >

Tags: hiking, munich, relaxing, switzerland


GERMANY | Wednesday, 4 Jul 2012 | Views [413]

After our bus trip from Prague to Munich we settled into our new hostel and relaxed a bit. We went for a stroll in the rain to Marienplatz where we found ourselves in the most famous beer garden in Europe. Hafbrauhaus was quite the Bavarian experience.... Read more >

Tags: munich

Hello summer

CZECH REPUBLIC | Sunday, 1 Jul 2012 | Views [386]

Prague has been such a different experience from the places we have been. Yesterday we took in all the sights we had planned to see including Prague Castle and the Dancing House. Today we ended up having a really relaxing day... Slept in, did some laundry ... Read more >

Tags: canada day, paddle boats, prague, summer

Berlin and Prague

CZECH REPUBLIC | Friday, 29 Jun 2012 | Views [309]

Yesterday was our last day In Berlin so we took in the rest of the tourist activities we hadn't done yet. We visited the Holocaust memorial first and observed the sculpture garden outside that consists of black concrete blocks of different heights for ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, prague


GERMANY | Thursday, 28 Jun 2012 | Views [377]

Hello from Berlin! Yesterday was dedicated to travel and I have nothing to report on it except we found the best Mexican restaurant ever. Yes, I did say Mexican. So yummy. Today we saw some basic monuments. The Brandenburg gate, victory tower and the ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, bier, germany


NETHERLANDS | Monday, 25 Jun 2012 | Views [473]

Yesterday morning we trained to Amsterdam were we were quickly made aware that pedestrians do not have the right of way. There are thousands of cyclists in the city and each mode of transportation has its own lane to travel in. It's truly a remarkable ... Read more >

Tags: active transport, amsterdam, heineken


BELGIUM | Saturday, 23 Jun 2012 | Views [510]

This morning we were up bright and early to catch our train from Paris to Brussels. After a short journey to Belgium we checked into Hello Hostel and started out into the city. We visited Grand Place Square which is filled with beer, chocolate and waffle ... Read more >

Tags: brussels, chocolate, waffles

Last day in Paris

FRANCE | Friday, 22 Jun 2012 | Views [491]

We are all taking full advantage of our long stay here in Paris by napping. Sounds like a waste of time in Paris, but we think it's amazing! Last night after one of our naps we went out to see the Arc de Triomph and Eiffel Tower in the dark. The tower ... Read more >

Tags: eiffel tower, paris


FRANCE | Thursday, 21 Jun 2012 | Views [629]

After a rough night (12hr flu) we were up and about to start our first official day of sightseeing. Adam and I conquered Notre Dame, The Louvre, D'Orsay Museum, the National Opera House and finally climbed the Arc de Triomph. It was a long day but we ... Read more >

Tags: paris


FRANCE | Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 | Views [388]

We have made it to Paris! What a gorgeous city. Yesterday we caught the Chunnel from London to Paris and began our Parisian experience at the Eiffel Tower. Paddy, Adams friend from Kenya, met us on the grounds of the tower for a happy reunion. The lines ... Read more >

Tags: paris

Final day

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 18 Jun 2012 | Views [459]

Ahhh alas we are back at the hostel. Our day was full of walking and I am going to need and pedicure stat when I get back. We ventured to the British Museum this morning where we completed our Egypt trip! Apparently the British pillaged Egypt and took ... Read more >

Tags: british museum, london eye, london zoo

Windsor Castle

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 17 Jun 2012 | Views [360]

After a bit of a delayed and rough start this morning we ventured out to Windsor Castle. The Queen has become our biggest fan in London and decided that she was going to follow us out on our tour. In result of this, we could not go into the castle but ... Read more >

Tags: hyde park, london, windsor castle

An amazing day!

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 16 Jun 2012 | Views [515]

Today was quite eventful and involved so much walking. After an amazing nights sleep we ventured out to Trafalgar Square. The tube that we were to take there was under construction so we had to find an alternative route. That did not go well... ended ... Read more >

Tags: big ben, london, london eye, queen

Let the games begin!

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 15 Jun 2012 | Views [421]

Hello from London! We finally made it in one piece, safe and sound. Although I feel that we have all turned into complete walking zombies at this point. Note to self for future 8.5 hour flights; try harder to sleep to avoid major jetlag. *yawn* After ... Read more >

Tags: england, london, st. christophers bush

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