10/17/09 Stop &
Smell the roses…or the pee around the tree –
Another GREAT reminder from Kimery - a sweet, young, black
lab mix that we are babysitting this weekend. She is intelligent, sensitive, & energetic & loves
to go to the park where she heads for the best smells - - - trees, bushes,
& other dog’s butts!
Sooooo…take a walk with a dog & enjoy the delightful fall air
or…wherever your nose leads you!
Also, please check out this website & support: http://www.puppiesbehindbars.org/
We bought Kimery a red/white/blue ‘Dogtags Chewy Shoe’
dog toy from FetchDog.com: http://www.fetchdog.com/pet-supplies/dogtoys/chewtoys/dogtags-chewy-shoe/T20011?utm_source=ref&utm_medium=oprah&utm_campaign=null&emlsav=1
This is a program that gives a portion of their sales from this
dog toy that is made of all
natural, non-toxic rubber from the same molds used to make the soles of
military boots with a mountaineering rope lanyard to make playing fetch fun. This fabulous program not only enriches the lives of prisoners, it provides support to veterans that have suffered PTSD.