11/27/08 Happy Thanksgiving!! We felt a bit sleepy, just like this little kitten, after our multi-ethnic Thanksgiving ‘potluck’ last night! (See 'Photo Gallery' to the right --→)
Although it has not been a sun-filled island for the last 2 weeks (monsoon season with lots of rain, standing water in the streets, thunder & lightning) I shopped for Thanksgiving groceries on the back of a scooter going through ankle deep (or more) water! I donned my croc shoes, rolled up my pants, wore my rain poncho & helmet & off we went – my friend from Canada & I. A bit dangerous with the hidden potholes, but otherwise kind of fun! And the weather cooperated with us as we got together in the outdoor restaurant last night – NO rain!
Our group included a couple other Americans and people from the UK, Australia...& Tasmania, Canada, Ireland, Sweden, Russia, Switzerland & the Thai people of course. Quite an event - that just seemed to happen rather effortlessly. After mentioning our idea to a few people, it just took off! There were about 25 people that generously contributed roasted chickens, fruit, mashed potatoes & vegetarian gravy, Waldorf salad, fresh vegetable trays, crackers & cheese dips, wine, apple cider with pomegranate juice, sweet potatoes, popcorn, cookies, apple & pumpkin pies! The restaurant just let us take it over & even added watermelon to our meal.
Three stories: 1) Chuck bought a green vegetable that he thought might be a good replacement for celery, which we couldn’t find at the time. We didn’t know what it was, so I brought it to the restaurant staff to just give to them. But they took it a step further & cooked it up for the meal – NICE!! 2) I needed a stove to make the gravy, so ‘Jam’ let me use her kitchen…when the gravy came out a bit too salty, she tasted it & said, “Oh, BIG salt.” Yes, it was too salty, so she immediately began cooking up some more ingredients to add to it - it did taste better! 3) Dim, the manager, gave us flowers for our anniversary, but with the monsoon winds, the vase broke. I asked for another vase for the table, but she quickly dumped them, cut fresh flowers & made a spectacular 3-foot arrangement! Amazing, generous staff!
It really doesn't matter what you eat, where you gather or what you wear. What's important is that you take a moment to reflect and give thanks. I am thankful for: the sun’s warmth & sky’s ever changing colors; being able to explore our beautiful earth; my husband of 35 years who nurtures & shares in that exploration; our daughters who challenge me to higher ground & who have paved the way to those mountain tops; extended family who provide loving support and diversity; our generous friends here & all over the world who maintain contact & provide support; music that makes my heart & soul sing, even though I cannot (sing); and our wild & domesticated animals who are such a delightful example of living in the moment! I am also very grateful for the Internet, elastic waistbands & mosquito repellant! Oh, & then there is butter! A Scandinavian cannot live on bread alone! I have to have the real stuff! Thanks everyone! Enjoy your holidays! AND the LEFTOVERS!!!