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There are [55] photos and [6] stories tagged with "albert".

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Rubies and sapphires

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 6 Aug 2008 | Views [2189]

They say that the area west of Emerald, and compressed by the small townships of Sapphire, Rubyvale, Anakie and Willows are the largest gemfields in the world. And the world is a pretty big place, so I guess this must be quite a special feature. ... Read more >

Tags: albert, gems, solo

Gorgeous Carnarvon

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 6 Aug 2008 | Views [3431] | Comments [1]

Many people had told me already how magnificient the Carnarvon Gorge is. But you know that a big amount of words doesn’t feel quite like a real experience. Well then, after my real experience, I will join those who tell how magnificient the Carnarvon ... Read more >

Tags: albert, gorges, solo

Love song

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 6 Aug 2008 | Views [1314]

You don’t know it yet, but a few days ago, I started a new trip. A couple of friends of mine from Spain are coming all the way down to visit us, so considering the effort in time, will and money, we have to happily pamper them a little bit.... Read more >

Tags: albert, solo, tiffany


CYPRUS | Wednesday, 30 Jul 2008 | Views [1299]

At the beginning of our trip ‘half way around the world’, we stopped in Cyprus.   It seems to have been a little step on the path to Australia, with the giant of India in our sights, but looking   back in time,   from my armchair, it ... Read more >

Tags: albert, art, beaches, coffee, forests, t a j, temples

If eagles could talk

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 3 May 2008 | Views [1215] | Comments [1]

Albert breaks and swerves to avoid a soaring eagle.   ‘They fly in an absolute random way.’ We are driving along the Matilda Hwy from Cloncurry to Karumba. We have the rising sun directly to the left. I can still envisage the ... Read more >

Tags: albert, allwelcome, on the road, t a j, wildlife

Conversations on the Road II

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 21 Apr 2008 | Views [1105] | Comments [4]

(From Darwin to Katherine in the Ambassador Van – otherwise entitled ‘How prolonged hours of enforced family time makes the mind melt like molten mucus’) New Product Ideas Tiffany with slightly crazed laughter, (after ... Read more >

Tags: albert, allwelcome, ambassador van, humour, jett, on the road, t a j

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