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I wanna go Florida Stories and adventures from Around the World


There are [15] photos and [4] stories tagged with "beaches".

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CYPRUS | Wednesday, 30 Jul 2008 | Views [1299]

At the beginning of our trip ‘half way around the world’, we stopped in Cyprus.   It seems to have been a little step on the path to Australia, with the giant of India in our sights, but looking   back in time,   from my armchair, it ... Read more >

Tags: albert, art, beaches, coffee, forests, t a j, temples

Curvy Coastlines

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 2 Jun 2008 | Views [1558]

The greatest thing about leaving Cairns for the less populated areas was the re-emergence of the stars.   Its one of the great healing sights for me and getting away from the electric lights of a town is a big positive. ... Read more >

Tags: allwelcome, beaches, t a j

Hitting the Coral Coast

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 16 May 2008 | Views [1384] | Comments [3]

We’re sitting under the protective shelter at the Serpent Hostel. It’s a rainy day and Albert has deserted us for the pleasures of the reef ( see his post at a later date ). Jett is content with his school work (singing quietly ... Read more >

Tags: allwelcome, ambassador van, beaches, t a j

The Sunshine Coast?

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 7 Apr 2008 | Views [1183]

It rained for 24 hours! It was a good test for out tent. It leaked a little down one of the seams, but it says on the ‘problems and solutions’ tag attached to the tent (I love modern stuff) that we just have to spray tent sealer on it (available at ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, driving tour, rain

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