March 08 (On the way to Noosa) or otherwise entitles 'How to generate hate mail/male'
Tiffany - All cars should have a little digital sign on them, saying what they are doing.
Albert - Most of them would say 'I'm going to the shops, my husband earns the money.'
(editor's note - Albert says that I should put the above quote in a time context. IE - it was a weekday, and mid-morning. Tiffany says - 'what ever, you still sound like a neaderthal')
March 08 (On the way to pick up our camping supplies (for Noosa))
Albert - 'It would be strange if you ....-'
His hesitation was his doom and my delight.
Tiffany - 'if you were a raindrop, cause you'd be born, and be flying through the sky, screaming at first, then kind of getting the hang of it, then SPLAT.'
Albert - 'It would be strange if-'
Tiffany -'if you were a steering wheel 'cause you'd be suddenly gripped by hands and swung this way and that -'
You get the drift. It seems to be the case every time the next little trip is in the air. Conversations only other crazed travelers could comprehend.
March 08 (while planning part of our maybe more of Asia trip in a year)
Albert - If you could name your own airlines, what would you call it?
Tiffany - Far Kov Kwik Flights
What's yours?
Albert's Growing list of jobs he wants to do when he gets big. (Albert is our 28 year old)
- Truck driver
- Air plane pilot
- Racing car driver
- Garbage man
- Post man
(Editor's note -Albert just emphatically denied that he ever said he wants to be a postman when he grows up. He wants to change it for taxi driver.)
- Taxi driver
- Buyer for Indian shops around the world
For GREAT 'what if's' while on the road, check out Hussyhick's post
and for another Albert inspired post about dreams of retirement, click me.