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Love song

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 6 Aug 2008 | Views [1314]

You don’t know it yet, but a few days ago, I started a new trip. A couple of friends of mine from Spain are coming all the way down to visit us, so considering the effort in time, will and money, we have to happily pamper them a little bit.... Read more >

Tags: albert, solo, tiffany

Indigenous People, Australia and me

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 21 Apr 2008 | Views [1105]

Disclaimer - What I’ve got to say, is my own point of view, and needs to be put in the context of ‘me’. Its not diplomatic or sensitive (or aware) of all the stakes and claims and history surrounding this sensitive issue. All I know, is that ... Read more >

Tags: energy, qigong, tiffany, yoga

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