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Itchy Feet "I am going because I would have no peace if I stayed" - Donald Crowhurst.


There are [0] photos and [6] stories tagged with "snorkelling".

Near Drowning

INDONESIA | Wednesday, 5 Aug 2015 | Views [769]

Our captain motored to Pink Beach, near Komodo Island, for us to snorkel at 7am.  We pulled up beside several other boats and tied up to them.  People on the other boats were eating breakfast but mum & I climbed down the ladder and straight ... Read more >

Tags: beach, boat, drowning, flores, indonesia, labuan bajo, snorkelling


INDONESIA | Sunday, 24 Aug 2014 | Views [962]

We walked into town to find a driver to take us to the Underwater Volcano.  No one was there.  This has never happened to us in Indonesia.  Ever!  To not find a person with a vehicle willing to drive you somewhere for a fee just doesn’... Read more >

Tags: fish, pulau weh, sabang, snorkelling, underwater volcano


INDONESIA | Friday, 22 Aug 2014 | Views [422]

We clambered over the rocks beneath our bungalow this morning & hopped straight into the sea.  We snorkeled from 9:30-1:30.  We saw:   A Spotted Eagle Ray.  The biggest sea creature we’ve seen so far. A turtle ... Read more >

Tags: fish, iboih, indonesia, pulau weh, sabang, snorkelling


INDONESIA | Wednesday, 20 Aug 2014 | Views [589]

“Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish that they are after” – Henry David Thoreau.   Day 20. Iboih, Pulau Weh   Over a rice-porridge breakfast, I spent 1.5 hours editing ... Read more >

Tags: fish, iboih, pulau weh, sabang, snorkelling


INDONESIA | Tuesday, 19 Aug 2014 | Views [363]

“A good holiday is one that is spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours” – John Boynton Priestly   Day 19.   After breakfast at Yulia’s , we walked up a jungly path & climbed ... Read more >

Tags: iboih, oongs, pulau weh, sabang, snorkelling


INDONESIA | Sunday, 17 Aug 2014 | Views [408]

“Life is short and the world is wide” – Simon Raven. Day 17.  Sunday 17th August 2015.  Iboih, Sabang. Woke to a loud BANG on our tin roof.  Dave spotted the hugest gecko ever.  He could hardly support his ... Read more >

Tags: gecko, iboih, pulau weh, sabang, snorkelling, vertigo

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