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William's Walk The Great Walk on the Great Wall of China is fantastic. As the son of a cancer victim, I take great pleasure doing my share towards fighting cancer. Walking on the Great Walk is so challenging, but I will beat it, just like we’re going to beat cancer…

Fighting Quake Lakes

CHINA | Monday, 26 May 2008 | Views [786]

As the quake has shaked the big stones off from the mountains, the stones jam the drainage of rain water between the mountains; such accumulation of water becomes lakes threatening the low places where the refugee settles now. The government is taking ... Read more >

UN Conciliation - Ban Kimoon

CHINA | Sunday, 25 May 2008 | Views [819]

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Saturday extended gratitude to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for the United Nations' support and help for China's quake relief. Wen briefed Ban on China's quake relief efforts, saying China will carry out ... Read more >

Facts and Figures Report - Death Toll 60,560

CHINA | Saturday, 24 May 2008 | Views [855]

Following are the latest facts and figures about the massive 8.0-magnitude earthquake that rocked southwest China's Sichuan Province on May 12: The death toll from the quake rose to 60,560 nationwide as of Saturday noon, while 352,290 people were injured ... Read more >

55,740 Heartbreaking Number

CHINA | Friday, 23 May 2008 | Views [815]

China has officially reported the death of the quake 55,740 today. What a heartbreaking number! 55,740 people, if they form a town, it will be a thriving town; if they lie on the road, it can be 10km long; they are from at least 20,000 families; their ... Read more >

Mourning for the victims & Encouraging the survivors

CHINA | Thursday, 22 May 2008 | Views [847]

For the first time in Chinese history, the government has announced 3 days mourning to the victims of such natural disaster. From the Chinese President to the ordinary people, from north to south, from China to Chinese overseas bureaus, from all concerned ... Read more >

China - Announced 3 Days Mourning For The Victims

CHINA | Sunday, 18 May 2008 | Views [1594]

China government has officially announce 3-day mourning from May 19 to May 21 for the earthquake victims. The national flag will be keep half-mast during this period. All public amusements are to be suspended for mourning during these 3 days. All Chinese ... Read more >

Tags: china earthquake

Magnitude Rectified To 8.0 Richter Scale

CHINA | Sunday, 18 May 2008 | Views [1282]

The China Seismological Bureau (CSB) on Sunday revised the magnitude of southwest China earthquake from 7.8 to 8.0 on the Richter scale. The magnitude was revised upwards after specialists carried out"real-time and detailed measurements of the quake ... Read more >

Tags: china earthquake

Death Toll 32,476; Injury 220,109

CHINA | Sunday, 18 May 2008 | Views [1023]

Today is the 7th day after the earthquake. The death toll today has reached 32,476, and the injury number is 220,109. However, even though technically the possibility of liveness of the buried is very small, the rescuers continue searching for the survivors.... Read more >

Tags: china earthquake

Chinese President Hu Jintao Urge Continued Effort

CHINA | Friday, 16 May 2008 | Views [1017]

Chinese President Hu Jintao has arrived Mianyang City of the disastrous area. He visited the injury camps and the medication stations; he said though the best time of rescue was running out, the government would never give up rescue actions. More arrangement ... Read more >

Tags: china earthquake

Survivor - Buried 100 Hours

CHINA | Friday, 16 May 2008 | Views [763]

Mr. Liu, a survior rescued after buried in the ruins for 100 hours, is found by the life detector. Military troops and professional rescue teams are equiped with this powerful electronic tool to keep on searching the survivors. The device is able to ... Read more >

Tags: china earthquake

World Helping Hands

CHINA | Thursday, 15 May 2008 | Views [739]

With the help of international media, the message of this earthquake is soon known by the world. Helping hands from every country can be seen...US President Bush has called to support China. Rescue teams and materials from Russia have arrived. Appeal ... Read more >

Tags: china earthquake

PLA SoIdier Crying Out: Just Let Me Save One More Child

CHINA | Thursday, 15 May 2008 | Views [700]

The Official number of casualty is more than 15,000 today, with the injured more than 120,000. As there are still quakes from time to time, the rescue can't work at full speed. Roads to the rural moutain villages are still being repaired, and telecommunication ... Read more >

Tags: china earthquake

Premier Wen Wounded

CHINA | Wednesday, 14 May 2008 | Views [614]

Chinese premier Wen Jiabao has been with the rescue for 3 days till May 14. He's 66 years old, in his second session of Chinese Premier. When he climbed up the broken tiles to study the situation, he suddenly tumbled and got wounded in his arm. While ... Read more >

Prayers To All In The Area

CHINA | Wednesday, 14 May 2008 | Views [905]

After half-day isolated from the news because of the communication cut-off, some pictures from the disaster area are posted on the web this morning. We know there were more than 2,600 times of quakes after the major one yesterday afternoon. People ... Read more >

Tags: china, china earthquake, earthquake

Shocking News - 7.8 Richter Scale Earthquake Hits SW China

CHINA | Wednesday, 14 May 2008 | Views [2907]

In the afternoon of May 12 Monday, 2008, a major earthquake measuring 7.8 Richter Scale hit Wenchuan County of Southwest China’s Sichuan province at 2:28 p.m. Earthquake was felt in Zhengzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu and Beijing and Canton area. Now the ... Read more >

Tags: china, china earthquake, earthquake

Gallery: 8.0 Richter Earthquake Hits SW China

CHINA | Monday, 12 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Love is endless

CHINA | Friday, 9 May 2008 | Views [796]

Having been back home for a few days, I from time to time recalled the lovely faces and cheerful voices of the team members. Yeah, now they are everywhere back to their home too. Just like a dream of legend, we have been walking together, for conquering ... Read more >

Tags: great walk to beijing, williams walk, world nomads

Gallery: Great Walk to Beijing Part II

CHINA | Saturday, 3 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Great Walk to Beijing Part I

CHINA | Thursday, 1 May 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Finishing, Moving and Forever

CHINA | Tuesday, 29 Apr 2008 | Views [826]

The hotel has provided good service as I received the morning-call exactly at 6:00am. I'm excited and energetic as I get ready to complete the final part of the walk today. We started from the left part of Juyongguan Wall, steep and high. I can't ... Read more >

Tags: great walk to beijing, olivia newton-john, williams walk, world nomads

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