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The World According to Trav

Off to get Mummified

EGYPT | Friday, 10 Dec 2010 | Views [339]

 land in Egypt, went and saw the incredible museum with the famous mummies

little adventure with the Police

GREECE | Thursday, 9 Dec 2010 | Views [274]

Ancient Olympia

GREECE | Wednesday, 8 Dec 2010 | Views [263]

were the first Olympics were held over 3000 years ago!


PERU | Monday, 6 Dec 2010 | Views [341]

took an over night ferry to Greece

two days in Pompeii

PERU | Sunday, 5 Dec 2010 | Views [372]

Roman history 101

PERU | Friday, 3 Dec 2010 | Views [368]

walked through the busy streets of Rome over to the Coliseum and old Rome. if you saw 1000 pictures of the Coliseum and then went to see it in person you still would be shocked. it is breathtaking to see up close. we took a tour through it and went inside ... Read more >

ill come back to Rome just for there food

PERU | Thursday, 2 Dec 2010 | Views [280]

Photos: Barcelona, Rome

ITALY | Wednesday, 1 Dec 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Dec 1/ Fairly to Rome

ITALY | Wednesday, 1 Dec 2010 | Views [356]

when we were on our way to the Fairy to cross the Med Sea to go to Rome i was expecting the fairy to be like the ones that we go on to go to Vancouver island. i was so surprised this one was more like a curse ship. it was so nice and we got to cabins ... Read more >

nov 30/ Barcelona, Spain

SPAIN | Tuesday, 30 Nov 2010 | Views [439]

arrived in Barcelona Spain last night and stated in a nice hotel that was over 400 years old and we were right on the street Romblas which is the nicest and most alive street in Barcelona. the streets were full with people and there were actors dressed ... Read more >

nov 29/ That makes 2 Continents

COLOMBIA | Monday, 29 Nov 2010 | Views [329]

we flew to Colombia in the morning and had a 6 hour lay over in the air port. we were going to take a 4 hour tour around the city but instead we stayed in the airport because it is allot safer that way. then we boarded the air plane at 8 pm but had ... Read more >

nov 28/ last day in Peru

PERU | Sunday, 28 Nov 2010 | Views [387]

so its my last day in Peru because i leave to Colombia at 7 in the morning tomorrow and have a 6 hour lay over so were going on a tour of the city and then hop back on the plain for a 10 hour plain ride. we had a good today and a great day time in Peru.... Read more >

nov 26/ amazing day!

PERU | Saturday, 27 Nov 2010 | Views [398]

We left the hotel at 6 am for a two hour drive to the port that had the boats leave to go to Poor Mans Gallapolice Islands. We took the 45 minute boat ride out to the islands and i seen the most amount of birds that i have ever seen in my hole life ... Read more >

nov 25/ Beach day

PERU | Saturday, 27 Nov 2010 | Views [394]

drove 45 minutes out of the city to Hermosa beach which is the best surfing spot on the south side. it was so nice we spent the hole day there and apparently the sun is allot stronger in the southern hemisphere. i found that the hard why because i didn't ... Read more >

nov 24/ the mall

PERU | Saturday, 27 Nov 2010 | Views [343]

we left the hotel at around 11 in the morning and went over to the coolest mall that i have ever been in it was underground and built right into a cliff side so that you would have a view looking over the ocean. it was completely different than any ... Read more >


PERU | Saturday, 27 Nov 2010 | Views [376]

something screwed up with the posting thing so just ignore this.

nov 22-23/flew back into Lima

PERU | Saturday, 27 Nov 2010 | Views [323]

Grandma and Grandpa continued the original plans and flew out to Lake Titicaca in the early morning and we changed our flights and flew back to Lima the morning of the 23 to get down in altitude. when we got into Lima we checked into the 3B hotel and ... Read more >

nov 21/ relax day

PERU | Wednesday, 24 Nov 2010 | Views [350]

last night i was felling much better but i still couldn't sleep so my dad gave me this pill that would help me fall asleep and it had a pretty big punch! within 5 minutes of me taking the pill i was out cold and didn't move for the rest of night. i had ... Read more >

nov 20/ Machu Picchu

PERU | Wednesday, 24 Nov 2010 | Views [475]

i was still a little bit sick last night also but not nearly as bad as two nights ago. the lower altitude really helps. one of the symptoms of altitude sickness is asomneia which is the reason that i cant sleep at night. so once again i had a shower and ... Read more >

nov 19/ Train and Travel day

PERU | Monday, 22 Nov 2010 | Views [335]

Last night was awful! i was so sick, i had a very high fever, chills, an awful headache and i couldn't get to sleep. i fineally got up and went to my parents room and sat in the shower for around 30 minutes and then took a bunch of pills and tried to ... Read more >

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