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New Zealand or BUST! Why go...not to escape reality, but to find it...to see hitherto unexperienced horizons of beauty...to have the courage to turn against habitual lifestyle and engage in unconventional living...to be wild at heart.

Trip: Higera through N.Z.

There are [31] stories from my trip: Higera through N.Z.

I love to hug the foals

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 27 Mar 2008 | Views [1489] | Comments [1]

I love WWOOFing.  The last stay with Richard and Christel and their 4 kids was my best time yet!  Richard taught me so much about self-sufficiency, that I can't wait to get some land and make a little paradise on earth.  In comparision, being a tourist ... Read more >

Everyone loves a Fjord

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 17 Mar 2008 | Views [807]

Well I survived the most beautiful place in New Zealand.  Milford Sound (actually I discovered it was created by a glacier, so it's really a FJORD), was amazing and we had amazing weather and it was just amazing .  The water is unique because tannins ... Read more >

Gallery: Ice, Mountain and Lake

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 12 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

from Franz Josef to Queenstown
See all 27 photos >>

Glaciers, Glowworms and Gonads

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 12 Mar 2008 | Views [606]

Well I survived the Wildfoods Festival. Now, I did Taste of Chicago twice, so my standards are pretty high. I felt that it wasn't worth $20 US just to get into the festival. Once inside, the food was wild (I tried Crocodile and Shark and some NZ ... Read more >

Gallery: Greymouth and South

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 9 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

the brewery tour and festival plus a couple
See all 11 photos >>


NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 7 Mar 2008 | Views [881]

Well I have learned a new craft. Knife-making is without a doubt a great thrill. I ended up the only person at the shop yesterday, so I received personal attention. My knife is going to appear on the website eventually. I am so happy with it, and between ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Knife-making / Punikaiki

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 7 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

photos of the northwest West Coast
See all 12 photos >>

Tropical Penguins?

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 28 Feb 2008 | Views [1714]

Well, I survived the trekking and camping in Abel Tasman National Park. Thankfully Red lent me the gear I didn't have, although carrying 28 lbs. of gear for three days makes the shoulders sting. I have a few blisters and neat pictures to show for it.... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Gallery: Wellington / Motueka

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 28 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

photos of city and farm
See all 11 photos >>

Gallery: Abel Tasman

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 28 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

Photos of the coastal track
See all 20 photos >>

Gallery: Hawkes Bay

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 28 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

Photos of Hastings and surrounding areas
See all 15 photos >>

Parties and Goat's Milk

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 24 Feb 2008 | Views [850]

The South Island is all that I had hoped.  This area kinda reminds me of Washington State.  I flew over the Cook Straight yesterday (22 mins at 2500 ft.)  I was amazed at how low we flew because, as some of you know, I jumped out of a plane  3 days ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

was that a Nazi?

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 16 Feb 2008 | Views [1704] | Comments [1]

I had a unique day.  I hopped over to Napier with 3 of the other backpackers to take part in the Art Deco Weekend .  I got a few pictures of the old cars and buildings (and of the dress-up).  I felt like I might see a young Audrey Hepburn walking around.... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Kidnapped by Brazilians

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 11 Feb 2008 | Views [2000] | Comments [1]

Well, I learned a lesson the other morning.  Don't force things to happen.  I tried to force an apple-picking job to happen even though it really isn't the season yet.  I ended up weeding pumpkins 20 kms away from Hastings!  Oh, and the pay-rate wasn't ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Apples and Sheep

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008 | Views [753]

Well, I survived the sheep shearing day.  I sorted wool from 110 sheep, which may not sound that bad, but the shearing rate was one lamb per 60-90 seconds.  It was fast and actually pretty tough work.  But a good experience none the less.  I hope to ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Gallery: Waitara

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 6 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

Photos of my time around New Plymouth
See all 17 photos >>

From the Nut House

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Views [1000]

    I believe in the force of intentionality .  When one has the intention of things working out, they often will.  I have been loving my time in Waitara with Daniela, Chris, Bianca and little Cassia.  I had one really tough day of work digging fence ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

Gallery: Tokaanu

NEW ZEALAND | Friday, 1 Feb 2008 | Photo Gallery

One great little weeks
See all 27 photos >>

Top Eight Tokaanu moments

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 27 Jan 2008 | Views [802]

Now that I find myself over on the West Coast of the North Island, I’ve had time to reflect about my stay in Tokaanu. I am really happy that I just happened to go to Tongariro and ended up WWOOFing in the area. That may end up being the best WWOOF stay ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation


NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 23 Jan 2008 | Views [582]

I have little to report from the last couple of days. My camera works again, and I got a bit sunburned yesterday. I am having a good time, and the building projects are coming along (some pictures will show up soon!) I thought that I would share a bit ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

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