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There and Back Again Not all those who wander are lost

All Good Things

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 20 May 2008 | Views [629]

Come to an end, some of them come to a premature end, like my participation in this round the world trip. For those of you that haven't heard 3rd party, or that i haven't yet seen myself, i am infact home in England. After (what i believe) was ... Read more >

Just like living in Paradise

FRENCH POLYNESIA | Tuesday, 1 Apr 2008 | Views [706] | Comments [2]

Amazing here! friendly, extremely hot and just wow its so relaxing here, quiet and time just seems to stand still. I haven't got to see much here, as im hobbling round with a bacterial infection on my foot (my spongeness won me that one) when i got ... Read more >

Take one

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 29 Mar 2008 | Views [627] | Comments [1]

its the 29th of march, i fly in just over 5 hours and i haven't slept yet. our goodbye last super turned into a goodbye party that went on and on! the reason i stated the date, is because the party was the night of the 28th / morning of the 29th, when ... Read more >

The road goes on

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 28 Mar 2008 | Views [601]

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? ... Read more >

New Photos

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 14 Mar 2008 | Views [676]

Got round to adding my sydney photos, all the way back from christmas day... there are new gomez photos... but there not for the faint hearted... and theres even the back of raúl's head! enjoy

Gallery: Sydney

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 14 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

walking round the city day and night
See all 74 photos >>

Gallery: New Years Eve

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 14 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

fireworks and the harbour in sydney
See all 9 photos >>

Cooking Comments

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 11 Mar 2008 | Views [1652] | Comments [3]

As much as i dislike my own head swelling (as certain people tell me it's too big already) we most definitely are the talk of the hostel kitchen We're either popular because we cook well (we have people commenting that they like watching us cook..) ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 2 Mar 2008 | Views [906] | Comments [3]

This weekend was Mardi Gras here in Sydney, which doesn't sound too menacing all on its own, until you discover its actually Gay and Lesbian mardi gras and its the biggest one in the world. We hid ourselves away from the cavorting going on in the streets, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


AUSTRALIA | Friday, 15 Feb 2008 | Views [870] | Comments [2]

we had decided to move up the coast from Sydney this weekend, head towards Newcastle, the Hunter Valley and basically get sloshed on a wine tour or six... however, this afternoon (while im catching up on sleep that "animal farm" my 50+ roommate ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Morning after the nights before

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 15 Feb 2008 | Views [775] | Comments [5]

In the overall contest of who has had the scarier, creepier roomates raúl is so far infront of me its not even really a contest. Yet over the last few days (it seems like much much longer) the "tattoed man" has taken up residence in one of ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Who needs a job

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 11 Feb 2008 | Views [878] | Comments [2]

Like to start this entry with two congratulations, though they are rather different. Firstly its my brothers birthday today, so that deserves celebrating, think ill be popping for a beer or few after i've written this to do just that. Secondly Kristen, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Time Flys

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2008 | Views [616] | Comments [2]

When your sat about not doing much of anything? didn't seem to notice its been 15 days since my last journal entry... Don't worry, i've not gotten bored with this process or anything to cause all my avid followers undue stress. Simply put, im still ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Magic Hour

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 1 Jan 2008 | Views [938] | Comments [3]

Well today is now the 1st of January, its almost 3am and i've had that much of a fun and exciting time that i didnt want to wait any longer before writing it down. The day didn't start off amazingly well.... falling asleep in the park earnt me sunburn ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

Two Horse Towns

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 19 Dec 2007 | Views [919] | Comments [1]

Heading down from Kakadu national park towards Katherine we passed a few places that deserve a mention, Pine Creek and Emerald Springs... i thought Hebden Bridge was small back home... Emerald Springs is three buildings on the side of the road, and ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Alone with Nature

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 19 Dec 2007 | Views [747] | Comments [1]

Setting off for Kakadu national park on the thursday morning was an exilerating experience. We had been stuck in darwin for a week, and although we didn't feel like we had wasted any time, it was good to be getting underway. At the wheel of my own rented ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Soap Opera

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 19 Dec 2007 | Views [527] | Comments [1]

We kicked around in Darwin for a week total, aclimatising to the very different climate to what we were used too, and waiting for Paul the German. You see Paul has a car, which would have saved on us having to hire one and made for a fun three man trip ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Gallery: Litchfield

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 19 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

The National Park
See all 9 photos >>

Gallery: Katherine

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 19 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 29 photos >>

Gallery: Kakadu

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 19 Dec 2007 | Photo Gallery

The National Park
See all 87 photos >>

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