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Travel is a Wonderful Thing The journey not the arrival matters.. T.S Eliot


AUSTRALIA | Monday, 11 May 2015 | Views [289] | Comments [1]

A desire to take a  trip to Turkey was the starting point for Celeste and myself.  2 years ago after returning from Europe we started to save and plan. The romance of Istanbul and the lure to see Gallipoli, to finish off a part ... Read more >

Last Day in the "Land of Smiles"

INDONESIA | Saturday, 28 Mar 2015 | Views [268]

Saturday 28th   Last night we had the best meal of Vietnamese I have had in a long while. Fresh ingredients and crisp flavour. Bo and Bun was the restaurant in Seminyak. After dinner we wandered back to the villa where a dip in the ... Read more >


INDONESIA | Thursday, 26 Mar 2015 | Views [245]

Wednesday 25th March. Transport back to Seminyak was a leisurely jaunt across the mountain range. It rained for a while as we made the top and the fog rolled in and the temperature dropped. It was a 4 hour trip to Seminyak and the nearer we got the ... Read more >

Sonia's Birthday

INDONESIA | Sunday, 22 Mar 2015 | Views [269]

Sunday 22 March The peace and quiet of Nyepi passed at 6am this morning and life resumed on the Island of Bali. Motorbikes buzzed along the   road, the chatter  of staff as they went about their tasks floated in the air and it was Sonia's ... Read more >


INDONESIA | Saturday, 21 Mar 2015 | Views [612]

Thursday 19th We left the Island of Lembongan this morning and headed for our next destination Amertha Villas in Permatuan. Our transport is a 15 seat coach which is fantastic considering it is a 5 hour trip. Uneventful until lunchtime when he pulled ... Read more >

Photos: Bali2015.Sonia's Birthday Bash

INDONESIA | Saturday, 14 Mar 2015 | Photo Gallery

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The Crew

INDONESIA | Saturday, 14 Mar 2015 | Views [271]

This trip to Bali involves all the "Shields" girls and partners travelling to the beautiful island of Bali to celebrate Sonia's 50th birthday. A 14 day journey from Lenbongan Island to Pertumaran in the North then back to Seminyak to finish the round ... Read more >

Photos: Home

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 12 Jan 2015 | Photo Gallery

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AUSTRALIA | Monday, 12 Jan 2015 | Views [158]

The start of all lifes journeys and adventures starts here. Chidren growing up and forging a life. Travel destinations begin and end here. Small trips' large trips, they all  return to this safe haven that provides stability and surety. Frankston ... Read more >

Last Day

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 8 Nov 2013 | Views [410]

Another beautiful morning and we are off to Bergaran for lunch. It is about 2 hours from Wendy and Peter's and sits on the coast just past Bundaberg. It is very dry and the landscape could do with a good drink of water. Another lovely spot ... Read more >

Photos: Lady Elliot Island Queensland

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 7 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Lady Elliot Island

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 7 Nov 2013 | Views [639]

A perfect morning for our flight to Lady Elliot Island. Up early to catch the plane. It's a small eight seater and we were issued with ear plugs for the flight. What a beautiful view as we fly toward the Island. Being lower in altitude while flying ... Read more >

Photos: Fraser Island Queensland

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 4 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Fraser Island

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 4 Nov 2013 | Views [808]

Today we headed for Fraser Island. Off we went in Peter's patrol for the 20 minute drive to where the ferry leaves from. A 40 minute crossing and we were on Fraser Island. Tyres deflated we prepared to tackle the route from Kingfisher Resort ... Read more >

Photos: Hervey Bay Queensland

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 2 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

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