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thewheelsonthebusgo 'Seize the pleasure at once' - Jane Austen.


There are [60] photos and [42] stories about Australia

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Cycling the Nullarbor

Monday, 28 Jul 2008 | Views [978] | Comments [2]

We stayed on Fraser Range sheep station and had a great night in the 100+ year old stone kitchen with cosy combustion heater chatting with other guests including the cyclists who showed up.   Alan from UK & Andreja from Germany seem very sane, ... Read more >

Tags: australia, cycling, eyre highway, nullarbor, sheep station

Gas Crisis

Saturday, 26 Jul 2008 | Views [646]

We really don’t know much about the Western Australian Gas Crisis because we haven’t heard a radio, read a newspaper or seen tv news since approx Feb 17, 2008.   All we do know is that since we’ve been in WA, lights in shops are used sparely and u ... Read more >

Tags: crisis, gas, norseman, nullarbor, wa, western australia

A Batty Dog Tale

Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Views [672]

While listening to our 21 st Century music maker today we had a bit of an unpleasant incident.   Well, rather, the unpleasantness belonged to Vic and Vic alone.   We discovered that she doesn’t like the Chemical Brothers.   We think perhaps there ... Read more >

Tags: bats, coolgardie, maleny, norseman, wa, western australia

Thoughts on a Dirty Plate

Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Views [440]

Thoughts on a Dirty Plate. Just desert dust and crumbs. (That’s my poetic input for this post).

Trip of Limitations

Wednesday, 23 Jul 2008 | Views [567]

Before we left on our trip, we knew we had certain limitations.   Number one being we were travelling in a non 4WD vehicle, so no crazy dirt tracks for us.   Number two was travelling with a doggy ie. No National Parks.   Number three – funds.   ... Read more >

Tags: in the bus, on the road

Exuberant Eileen!

Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Views [599]

and the girls go shopping... in the rain. we spent up at Spotlight to fuel our crafty hobbies, we partied up with the locals in Freo and danced up a treat, boozed, gave Dave birthday cake/pizza/beers/kisses/love, communicated from house to bus with ... Read more >

Busselton - Coincidence Town

Saturday, 5 Jul 2008 | Views [748] | Comments [2]

Busselton’s claim to fame is having the longest man-made wooden structure in the southern hemisphere.   At just under 2km, it makes for a scary, blustery, bait-stinky walk.   It is very narrow (in my experiences of piers) and there is only a hand ... Read more >

Freo - Way to Go

Saturday, 5 Jul 2008 | Views [594] | Comments [1]

yey!!!!!!!!!!!! after 4,600km we finally found our way to Eileen! 

Sensational Sal

Friday, 27 Jun 2008 | Views [552]

At the Passionate Baker, a scrumptious meeting with 'Brunswick Junction' Jean-Noel, Sensational Sal and Marvelous Melody. Beach cricket with kiwifruit hairballs. A tree, birds nest, egg artistic installation Views over Bunbury and a random fluffy ... Read more >

Preposterous Paul

Friday, 27 Jun 2008 | Views [739]

Middies at the Burlington and dinner at the Dome.  A round of coffees on the bus as the wind buffeted her port to starboard, bow to stern. A round of hot chocolates to warm the cockles of our hearts. Waves goodbye as Perpendicular Paul departs with ... Read more >

mobile phone service

Thursday, 26 Jun 2008 | Views [568]

update..... since crossing the Nullarbor and hitting the SW corner of WA, we now have phone service, so you can call us now.  HINT.

Nudin' Up

Thursday, 26 Jun 2008 | Views [3198]

It was about 9 degrees with a windchill factor of minus 40 on an unnamed beach in Bunbury, WA.  Dave did a nudie run and i had the camera on me!  I probably shouldn't put it on the blog, but hey...

things we are travelling without

Monday, 23 Jun 2008 | Views [647] | Comments [1]

Vacuum Cleaner. Oh how I miss my vacuum. A broom just doesn’t do the job. Now maybe if we had a leaf blower... Hair dryer. Stupid stupid stupid me. I am not a girly girl and can’t stand women who ... Read more >

Photos: surf

Saturday, 21 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 9 photos >>

Tags: beach, surf, water, waves

Salute to the Sun

Saturday, 21 Jun 2008 | Views [546] | Comments [1]

At Margaret River we stopped in a car park overlooking the surf break known as ‘Boat Ramp’. We were told by a surfer girl the ocean swell was 4 meters. At 7am we were drinking homemade coffees, rugged up on the windy cliff top overlooking ... Read more >

Shark Bait

Tuesday, 17 Jun 2008 | Views [684] | Comments [1]

The red sand hills, salt bush and the wedge tailed eagle are behind us for a bit now.   We’ve hit the white sands with the pigface and the ubiquitous seagull.   We’ve both missed the ocean as we got into the surf a fair bit before our trip.   Our ... Read more >

Leaving Kimba

Monday, 2 Jun 2008 | Views [508] | Comments [1]

Kimba is geographically the midway point between east and west coasts (apparently – look on the map – we disagree!) and we are leaving after our week’s stay.   We didn’t see Kimba the White Lion but we did see a massive galah.   Watch for photos.... Read more >

Port Augusta

Thursday, 29 May 2008 | Views [535]

Dave and I gave Nic a surprise visit for his birthday on 20th May (which also happens to be my mum AND my dad's birthday).  We told Joanne that we were coming - figured that was kind of important seeing as how they have 5 children!!!!! Had a great time with ... Read more >

Tags: nic & joanne & the gang

Volunteering in Kimba

Thursday, 29 May 2008 | Views [687]

We have both been volunteering here in Kimba, SA in the local area school and at the local history museum.  We are having a blast.  Everyone is so lovely and friendly and we are rather famous in the town.  Everyone seemed to be expecting us for the 'Grey ... Read more >

No Mobile Phone Service

Thursday, 29 May 2008 | Views [566]

We are in the tiny SA town of Kimba. We have absolutely no phone service.  I can't even send or receive SMS.  So just know that we are safe and well and having a great time and a week off as far as phone contact goes. Actually, no that wont be correct.... Read more >

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