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thewheelsonthebusgo 'Seize the pleasure at once' - Jane Austen.

things we are travelling without

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 23 June 2008 | Views [648] | Comments [1]

Vacuum Cleaner.

Oh how I miss my vacuum. A broom just doesn’t do the job. Now maybe if we had a leaf blower...

Hair dryer.

Stupid stupid stupid me. I am not a girly girl and can’t stand women who can’t live without their hair dryer. Also, in the heat of Queensland’s summer when we left on our big adventure, I figured that I could never ever possibly feel the cold again. Therefore, a hairdryer would be totally superfluous. Big mistake. Big.


I am not a cereal eater. I eat toast for breaky every morning of my life. I didn’t bring a toaster. For 2 months we went without toast. Vegemite on bread just isn’t the same without the hot buttery toast. So I bought a toaster. We now own 3 toasters. One is in storage in Queensland, one is in storage in Victoria. Maybe they will all be able to meet up one day and talk about how they were the next best thing after sliced bread...

Electric Jug.

We boil water on our gas stove with our kettle. It is used very often for all of those coffees and hot water bottles and hot water for dishes etc. Our kettle is also placed on the fire for that special campfire taste. An electric jug I can live without.


We haven’t seen TV for 4 months and 3 days. We scoff at other travellers who pull up their caravans or mobile phones and immediately put out their satellite dishes and aerials with their backs to the beautiful views!!!! We don’t miss television in the slightest. Although...ahem, can anyone tell me the latest on LOST? Did they make it off that damn island?



I don't watch LOST but I can tell you for certain they haven't made it off that damn island yet.

I sympathise re the toaster and the hair dryer - one of the first things I bought when I got here was a toaster, and just the other day I bought a hair dryer too.

There's also a second hand vacuum cleaner with your name on it waiting for you here- it sucks.

  Eileen Jun 23, 2008 2:28 PM

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