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thewheelsonthebusgo 'Seize the pleasure at once' - Jane Austen.

A Batty Dog Tale

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 24 July 2008 | Views [672]

While listening to our 21st Century music maker today we had a bit of an unpleasant incident.  Well, rather, the unpleasantness belonged to Vic and Vic alone.  We discovered that she doesn’t like the Chemical Brothers.  We think perhaps there is some high pitched doggy whistle in there somewhere.  Whatever the case, she freaked out.  “Argh!  Argh! Argh! Argh!”  Tail between her legs, she ran up and down the bus until her master found a spot to pull over.  We all got outside to calm down.  Dave has NEVER seen her behave like it in 13 years.  Bad bad Chemical Brothers.

We had a bit of a look around Coolgardie WA.  Saw Lindsay’s Pit, which isn’t quite as huge as the Superpit in Kalgoorlie but it’s still a decent hole in the ground.

Pulled up for the night just north of Norseman.  Dave got chatting to a woman.  They figured out they had worked at the same place in Maleny, Qld and knew the same people.  It’s a tiny, tiny world.

While we were eating a scrumptious meal of tinned ravioli soup, heated up on our one burner portable gas stove, we heard an unrelenting noise on the bus roof and finally, scraping our plates and wiping our chins, went outside to investigate.  Bats!  Microbats! Heaps of them! One almost collided with Dave’s head. 

Na na na na na na na na BUSBATS!

Tags: bats, coolgardie, maleny, norseman, wa, western australia

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