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Not all who wander are lost. I'm letting the world change me... so I can change the world.

Here we go again...

BELIZE | Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Views [528]

I leave for Central America in 8 hours, my second trip to Belize to work as a health education volunteer. People keep asking if I’m excited – I’m getting there, Once work starts and I get busy, I’ll be happy.   So, get ready for more tails ... Read more >


BELIZE | Monday, 17 Dec 2007 | Views [563]

I cannot believe that I am leaving in 4 days. The place that I have called home for nearly 6 months, I will leave and return to normal life; winter in the Midwest. Life down here as taught to appreciate the small things; a smile from a child, clean ... Read more >

Tags: Random

Dr. Megan

BELIZE | Saturday, 8 Dec 2007 | Views [558]

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Vagina Warrior

BELIZE | Wednesday, 5 Dec 2007 | Views [787]

I am a vagina warrior; a feminist, humanist, women, daughter and sister. I think that all humans are equal in worth, that no ethnicity, education level, gender, economic status or religion is better than any other. For this, I have been called many ... Read more >

Tags: Random

Gallery: Women's Health Forum

BELIZE | Wednesday, 28 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 183 photos >>

Gallery: Garifuna Settlement Day

BELIZE | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 107 photos >>

Gallery: Guatamala Trip

BELIZE | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 195 photos >>

Garifuna Settlement Day.

BELIZE | Wednesday, 21 Nov 2007 | Views [555]

The celebration for the 19th started on the 17th. You could tell that something was happening, drums could be heard from all over PG, a tell-tale sign that the Garifuna community was celebrating. Saturday started the 16 days of Activism done ere in the ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Let's talk about sex.

BELIZE | Wednesday, 14 Nov 2007 | Views [672]

It has been over 5 months since I have been able to talk about sex. That’s a long time to not talk about condoms, lubricants, orgasm’s, safer sex and at all the other fun things that have to do with sex. Mind you, the conversation that I finally had down ... Read more >

Tags: Random

8 weeks left.

BELIZE | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2007 | Views [546]

    They always say that ‘time goes by fast’. First, how do they know that? Does it always go fast? What about when time goes slow? Like in lectures, work or traffic. Second, who are ‘they’? In Elizabethtown this very subject was ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


BELIZE | Saturday, 27 Oct 2007 | Views [572]

  Doing laundry by hand sucks, whether it’s scrubbing it on a large stone table, a rock in the river, or in a bucket on the back porch. Clothes here get SO filthy.   I don’t know how women in the past did it. I have to wash my own clothes, ... Read more >

Tags: Random

Gallery: Caye Kayak

BELIZE | Saturday, 20 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

snorkeling trip
See all 77 photos >>

Belizean Food.

BELIZE | Friday, 19 Oct 2007 | Views [1082] | Comments [1]

  In my stew tonight, there was okra, chicken neck, potatoes, throat pieces, green and red peppers, breadfruit, chicken feet, and noodles. Did you catch all the random chicken bits? When I first got to Belize, all of my host mom’s were ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Gallery: Punta Gorda

BELIZE | Monday, 15 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 31 photos >>

Being a role model: A rant at 3am

BELIZE | Monday, 15 Oct 2007 | Views [671] | Comments [2]

I have never thought of myself as a role model. It may have been some fantasy of mine, to be looked up to, revered in some way – but I have never used the title to describe myself.   In the past week, I have become a nanny, big sister, emotional ... Read more >

Tags: People

Civilization and Grey’s

BELIZE | Tuesday, 2 Oct 2007 | Views [552] | Comments [1]

I really shouldn’t complain about being in an un-civilized place, I watched CSI and Grey’s this week. When I was planning to come down to Belize, while amidst the packing, preparing and comforting my mum – one of my concerns was that I was going to miss ... Read more >

Tags: Culture


BELIZE | Tuesday, 2 Oct 2007 | Views [607] | Comments [1]

 I need to vent about teeth. Dental hygiene, tooth brushes, floss – it’s like none of these things exists down here. The two year old I live with has both front teeth rotting, due to the amount of sugar, sweets and chips his grandmother gives him. How ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Issues with the Foreigners

BELIZE | Tuesday, 2 Oct 2007 | Views [537]

It’s been busy at the clinic these past weeks. Health Education (which is me) has developed a De-Licing program for all 26 communities we serve, offering education and treatment needed to school age children. It is hard to get people in the clinic to ... Read more >

Tags: People

Fungus, Parasites and Bugs - Oh My!

BELIZE | Wednesday, 12 Sep 2007 | Views [2405] | Comments [1]

I believe I have intestinal worms - along with a fungal infection in my right ear, and a plethora of bites, scraps and bruises from the village. It all started with what I thought was a simple ear infection. I swim in the sea every weekend, so it makes ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Gallery: Ladyville

BELIZE | Friday, 7 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 33 photos >>

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