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Taking Oz One Step At A Time!!!! Well im here! i have packed my very larrrge bag and im on my way to have fun in the sun!! yayayay!!

Gallery: more pics

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 22 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 33 photos >>

Gallery: More Bloody Pics!!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 11 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 32 photos >>

Ozzy Ozzy Ozzy OI OI OI!!!

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 2 Oct 2007 | Views [1418] | Comments [2]

Right Well I decided to call Austin and make sure we have got the right dates etc. I make my sign for him. Which reads “Where’s My Heavy Friend” (private joke ha!) I set my alarm for 5am and went to bed early to go meet my little buddy at the ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Dodging Bullets!!!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 26 Sep 2007 | Views [791] | Comments [5]

The title of my new story is dodging bullets. Why? Because one sunny afternoon me and Joanne decided to go job hunting. After failing trebly we decided to get some post cards. We went in the shop. And seconds after we walked out the door there was a ... Read more >

Tags: Scams & Robberies

Gallery: Dodging Bullets!!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 26 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 93 photos >>

I'll Get There In The End!!

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 14 Sep 2007 | Views [638] | Comments [2]

Ok...So after updating this silly thing on Sunday. I Went Back To My Room where i became really really cold. went to bed and fell asleep and woke up feeling like a bus had hit me. Monday came and i actually thought i was gonna die..two people from my ... Read more >

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health

Shall I Go On!?!?!?!

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 9 Sep 2007 | Views [844] | Comments [4]

Is there actually any point of me carrying this thing on…the only people that seem to actually read it is my mum and dad!! Haha! And I talk to them most days!!!   Right well I will tell you any way. The other week I quit my job! Was bored. No ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Gallery: Update I Guess!!!

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 8 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 58 photos >>

Up's And Down's

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 3 Sep 2007 | Views [712] | Comments [3]

Ok. So after having a really bad week…I felt home sick for the first real time (The time I cried in Bondi coz I was so cold doesn’t count!!! Hahaha) everything that could of gone wrong. Went wrong! Starting with me feeling like total crapola. I have ... Read more >

Tags: I should have known better!

Its Been A While!!!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 30 Aug 2007 | Views [438] | Comments [3]

Heyyy. Its been a while since I updated this thing hasn’t it…so sorry about that!! Well there’s not much to say really…. The other weekend I went to the beach with a few people from my hostel and we had a huge BBQ I didn’t have much coz I was ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

My Sis Is Here!!!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 20 Aug 2007 | Views [512] | Comments [3]

My sister arrived in Sydney and it was so good to see her. It was kinda odd too! we were half way across the world and meeting up!! Although i havnt seen her for nearly 5 months it didnt feel like that long at all!! any way i have been working while ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Random's!!!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 13 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 5 photos >>

Gallery: Route 69!!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 13 Aug 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 15 photos >>

Route 69 Pub Crawl!!!

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 13 Aug 2007 | Views [1622] | Comments [1]

Like Omg!!! my first night of doing the route 69 pub crawl was Sooooo much fun! we all met up at base backpacker where i sell the tickets,then me and pablo took the troop down to the "Party Bus" we all hopped on and the fun started!! i made ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Fun Fun Fun!!!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 9 Aug 2007 | Views [589] | Comments [3]

Well. I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!! yay me!! I had an interview on Monday for a clothes store called Funky Femme.Then i had a trail day Tuesday.  I have worked ever since!! last night i also had another job selling route 69 pub crule tickets. And the best ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Night Out!!

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 1 Aug 2007 | Views [491] | Comments [3]

Well last night we met some really cool Irish guys and we all decided to get drunk and head out to a place called Bondi Hotel...well its not a place called that. it pretty much is a hotel in Bondi!! But before we went there we made a very strange friend ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

First Night!!

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 31 Jul 2007 | Views [440] | Comments [2]

ok! so the first night in Bondi Beach was a living hell...i was so god dam cold i could of cried!! and i could quite possibly cut ice with certain parts of my body!! in fact i tried...my toes cut right through ice!! haha! got you there didnt i!! any ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Bondi Beach!!!

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 31 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 23 photos >>

So Far....

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 29 Jul 2007 | Views [482] | Comments [4]

well since i have been here,i havnt really been doing much!! I have moved into my cousin's cousin's house and have been here just over a week! loving the warm house and family feeling about it! i have been to lots of places and handed out my Cv,i dont ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Making It Alone!!

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 28 Jul 2007 | Views [435] | Comments [4]

Hey Dude's And Dudette's!! well i have decided to make my own blog thing,coz i have been doing alot alone and thought it would be a good idea to tell you all what i,ve been doing with myself. And how i really feel about the big Oz..i bet you cant wait ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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