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Let Large Two recently married Tasmanians, flying to the US, with ambitions to buy a bb gun at walmart, be stars in LA by wearing sunlasses indoors, re-marry in Vegas, pack an artery with creole cooking in New Orleans, and determine whether America needs saving

An American Minute

USA | Saturday, 9 Apr 2011 | Views [583]

It's called the American minute because after a minute of browsing a travel blog, the reader becomes 67% less interested.  Who would have thought that while stopping at a diner in Texas, we would see a customer with emphasima wheezing through a portable ... Read more >

New York: Breakfast with Jerry Seinfeld

USA | Tuesday, 5 Apr 2011 | Views [889]

While in the Brooklyn Diner, and after Jasmine and I had just argued about why you would bother about asking the barely english speaking waiter for his opinion on which breakfast he would recommend: the oatmeal or the fritata, Jasmine leans towards me ... Read more >

A Billing Nation

USA | Tuesday, 29 Mar 2011 | Views [576] | Comments [1]

Tipping in America is as necessary as breathing the air around you. Nobody can survive without the dull looking one dollar bill.  There is a reason the US has stuck with this crispy green toe rag of currency.  Without it, the service industry would die.... Read more >

Leave your Thetan at the door

USA | Thursday, 24 Mar 2011 | Views [581]

Aliens exist, I saw it myself.  Forget nefarious personality tests, and avoiding tax by flimsily worshipping your very own Thetan spirit.  Through the simple power of hundreds of fine printed articles displayed in the Museum of Roswell, of which I received ... Read more >

iMission unbloggable

USA | Monday, 21 Mar 2011 | Views [483]

For a country that that boasts the invention of a steam turbine generator, homed the first air-conditioned hospital, and offers sublime wireless internet speed in almost every hotel anywhere in this fair country, why is writing a travel blog in the USA ... Read more >

The American Dreamless

USA | Thursday, 17 Mar 2011 | Views [629]

They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.  In a nation where a movie star can share a pedestal with a president, the appeal of an American Dream is as strong as ever. So, what is the American dream?  There isn't ... Read more >

Where in the world is Rodeo Drive?

USA | Monday, 14 Mar 2011 | Views [630]

Given that a taxi service primarily deals with getting people from point A to Point B, our taxi driver didn't know where Rodeo Drive was.  And we were in Beverly Hills.  Ok, he only spoke a broken form of Spanglish, and sure...we should have known better ... Read more >

LA food diary

USA | Sunday, 13 Mar 2011 | Views [781] | Comments [2]

Ok, I have compiled a food diary below, and...well, it's bad. Unfortunately, every bite tasted so good.  Warning: we are trained eating professionals, please do not perform these culinary feats without consulting your doctor before hand. DAY 1 ... Read more >

Famousness in Los Angeles

USA | Sunday, 13 Mar 2011 | Views [690]

We saw Matthew MacConughey.  No...really, we say him...IN REAL LIFE. We have the picture, I just can't upload it. Sure...we were 20 meters away, and he was surrounded by paparazzi, but we eye-balled him. By that, I mean there was nothing but air between ... Read more >

Photos: America

USA | Sunday, 6 Mar 2011 | Photo Gallery

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YES WE ameri-CAN

USA | Sunday, 6 Mar 2011 | Views [1482]

Is it of any surprise that America was wrongfully named by a cartographer after the Spaniard ‘Amerigo Vespucci’ ahead of ‘Christopher Columbus?’   Based on this fact alone, is it of any wonder that 34% of Americans who purchase a Big Mac meal from ... Read more >

Ghana: Why do it?

GHANA | Saturday, 21 Aug 2010 | Views [636]

Where else can you enjoy the hospitality at a 4 star beach resort one day, and become embroiled in a bloody civil war the next. It's a notoriety that has strengthened the Ghanaian tourism industry by way of extreame adventure's.  "Penguin" holiday ... Read more >

Ghana in Crisis: Flammable or Inflammable

GHANA | Tuesday, 17 Aug 2010 | Views [1223]

Is inflammable the opposite of flammable?  One may think so, however both words mean the same thing - to combust.  However, in Ghana, the seriousness of this meaning has reached a flash point. The word "inflammable" actually came first and ... Read more >

Ghana: sewing is the new football

GHANA | Friday, 6 Aug 2010 | Views [667]

Since being humiliated by missing out on progressing though the World Cup because of a timely handball from a much hated Uraguaian defender, Ghana has turned to the art of sewing as a protest against the stitching in the Adidas ball used during the world ... Read more >

Value your limbs!

GHANA | Friday, 6 Aug 2010 | Views [946]

In Ghana, something as simple as crossing the road often results in the instant - but probably unintentional - dismemberment of at least a couple of previously uselful limbs.  These zones are often demarcated by a small obscure sign indicating the result ... Read more >

Photos: Ghana Rama

GHANA | Friday, 6 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Bike-e-bago: It's Cheap

VIETNAM | Sunday, 31 May 2009 | Views [851] | Comments [1]

Travel Vietnam for less than 15,000 dong a day. You get a two stroke motorbike, a comfortable double bed strapped to your back grill, and last but not least - all the open air you can handle.  Your travel insurance will not cover this however, so if ... Read more >

Hoi An: How do you untangle your tree trunk from powerlines?

VIETNAM | Sunday, 31 May 2009 | Views [800]

Well, we've all done this before haven't we!  According to locals, the best way is to use a super conducting metallic pole to dislodge the live electirical wires from branches extruding from the main stump.  The reason for this being that it is believed ... Read more >

Gallery: Hoi An

VIETNAM | Saturday, 30 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

Hoi An
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Cat Pho: How long does it take to skin a cat?

VIETNAM | Saturday, 30 May 2009 | Views [5917] | Comments [10]

3 minutes I'm told, and 5 if you want it de-boned.  Meat and noodle soup are a staple Vietnamese dish, and although dog and cat Pho restaurants are not common, they can usually be found on discreet narrow streets in Hoi An.  Menus don't exist in restaurants ... Read more >

Ha Noi: What does it take to be a security gaurd?

VIETNAM | Thursday, 28 May 2009 | Views [741]

The same as in Australia...if you can read and write, you would probably be over-qualified. Only when you can generally stand upright; wear ill-fitting clothes; and look as if somehow life dealt you a hand of apocalyptic proportions, will you get an ... Read more >

Gallery: Halong Bay

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 27 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

Halong Bay
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Vietnam: With Great Power...Comes No Resposibility

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 26 May 2009 | Views [803]

Ever looked up in the streets of Hanoi?  The amount of electrical cable precariously dangling from semi eroded steel poles in greater than 51.4 million kilometres.  Ever wondered what the reason for this is when Hanoi is only 21km's from end to end?  ... Read more >

Gallery: Vietnam

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 26 May 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Vietnam: How many mechanics does it take to tighten a wingnut?

VIETNAM | Monday, 25 May 2009 | Views [1010] | Comments [2]

Probably just one.  After speaking to the hostess at the boarding gate who explained to me that the reason our flight was delayed was because the front wheel gear was loose, I didn't know if I should point out to her that 5 mechanics were crawling all ... Read more >

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