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There are [24] photos and [11] stories about Uganda

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Congolese Business Trainings, Nile River, Kin Reunion

Sunday, 1 Apr 2012 | Views [940] | Comments [1]

The Refugee group, who we are now calling RIP (Refugee Initiative Projects) worked me very hard during my stay. I had to teach myself in order to teach them, and it was a grueling process. Staying with the family also proved to be a challenge and a ... Read more >

Tags: business training, congo, kampala, kin initiative, kisumu, micro finance, nile river, travel, uganda

up up and away, UGANDA THEN MALAWI,1 week in

Thursday, 6 Oct 2011 | Views [1009]

A little faith in humanity ... even in the simplist form. I was on my way. My parents have sent me off at the redmond airport..and I was beginning my 40hour trek across the globe. I first hopped a plane to portlandia and on the way met a woman from the ... Read more >

Tags: entebbe, kin initiative, lake victoria, malawi, uganda

In the air again

Tuesday, 20 Sep 2011 | Views [1290] | Comments [3] | Video

   I was recently asked, "How can there be hope when such horrible atrocities happen in this world?" My immediate reaction was to agree with the gross behavior of humans and to claim that hope was a bit of a "moo point". I ... Read more >

Tags: botswana, kenya, malawi, namibia, orphange, refugee, tanzania, uganda, volunteer, zambia

art with street kids bangin bucks!, pangani island, muslim lessons, maasai visits, kampala, congo

Friday, 16 Jul 2010 | Views [1174] | Comments [2]

it was time to leave the beloved moshi,,,so sad. but i think i have learned a lot on this volunteer travelling adventure and i finally feel like i made a dent in the community developement of the street kids. while at the street childrens center i ... Read more >

Tags: al shabob, beads, congo, kampala, maasai, muslim, pangani

caning children, ju ju magic, ancient sewing

Wednesday, 7 Apr 2010 | Views [2098]

i wanted to add my final thoughts of uganda as i was rushed on my last entry. to speak of the caning. we all know this existed in our parents time. you know they say "when i was a kid...they used a big paddle...etc". the reality doesnt quite ... Read more >

Tags: black magic, caning children, juju magic, sewing machine, uganda

finals, art projects for online store and back to kenya

Wednesday, 24 Mar 2010 | Views [663] | Comments [1]

Today is the big day, im travelling on back to the rehlm of luos. Im an hour or so away from boarding the bus to kisumu and I sit here meditating on the adventures ive spend here in Uganda. They’ve been more memorable and extreme with their filling ... Read more >

Tags: cheap volunteer, kenya, kin initiative, kininitiative.org, uganda, volunteer uganda

ever forward never backward & selling our Kin art

Thursday, 25 Feb 2010 | Views [1048] | Comments [2]

Since my trip to the Nile, i have been pretty mellow as I returned back to the kin house compound. Upon arriving late night in the dark bumpy trails on back of a boda nearly falling off a few times as my 50lb pack weighed me down…I sighed in ... Read more >

Tags: art, boda, empowerment, guitar, love passion, uganda, words of thought

leaving the nile, back to kinhouse

Monday, 15 Feb 2010 | Views [741] | Comments [3]

After 15days in Lugazi area, I headed east for a Nile River adventure. Crossing the water via a large bridge, I breathed deep with excitement. A few hours later, there I was on board a raft with 5 other Mzungus and a guide from South Africa. Our first ... Read more >

Kitega community center,,,,rafting the nile!

Monday, 15 Feb 2010 | Views [1050] | Comments [2]

  I decided to take a venture out of Kampala district and headed for the Lugazi area to a town called Kitega…pronounced Chitega . Our first days there took us out to do home visits with parents of the Katungulu (nearby village) children. ... Read more >

Tags: adventure, jinja, luganda, nile, soul, uganda, white water rafting

Padre's Farm

Thursday, 21 Jan 2010 | Views [861] | Comments [2]

ust wanted to check in about a beautiful experience i just had last weekend. and to let you know about this amazing opportunity to come live for free while you farm on this amazing tropical paradise of banana and pineapple mango and avocado plants ... Read more >

Tags: banana, farm, organic, pineapple, travel

leaving KENYA ...arrival in UGANDA

Thursday, 21 Jan 2010 | Views [678]

It’s been so long since my last entry and transitions of great magnitude have occurred. On a lighthearted side, I celebrated Christmas with a bang of the Congolese drums and rumba rhythms of the luo. On the eve the 6 roommates and I headed to ... Read more >

Tags: dancing, kampala, simmers, uganda



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