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Trip: Afrlca again, provoked by the cosmos

There are [9] stories from my trip: Afrlca again, provoked by the cosmos

Congolese Business Trainings, Nile River, Kin Reunion

UGANDA | Sunday, 1 Apr 2012 | Views [940] | Comments [1]

The Refugee group, who we are now calling RIP (Refugee Initiative Projects) worked me very hard during my stay. I had to teach myself in order to teach them, and it was a grueling process. Staying with the family also proved to be a challenge and a ... Read more >

Tags: business training, congo, kampala, kin initiative, kisumu, micro finance, nile river, travel, uganda

karaoke, ferry, sound therapy in the bush, a congolese home

KENYA | Friday, 17 Feb 2012 | Views [943] | Comments [3]

With Christmas and New years out of the way, it was time for me to buckle down and complete projects...i sewed more African utility belts than i ever had before and sold over 200usd worth even selling 5 in one day. one girl had even sought me out ... Read more >

Tags: congo, ferry, karaoke, kenya, maasai, microfinance, nile river, simmers, tanzania, water tank

Christmas controvers,yNew Year's mud wrestling

MALAWI | Friday, 6 Jan 2012 | Views [1308]

Life back in Nkhata bay has proved very fulfilling as I expected. The turn of events that has occurred in me with my mental processing of daily life have really acclimated me into the culture here and I have become true friends with some of the locals, ... Read more >

Tags: christmas, kaya papaya, malawi, mud wrestling

zambia cut short, malawi's breath of fresh air!

ZAMBIA | Monday, 21 Nov 2011 | Views [822] | Comments [2]

My last days spent in Malawi were that of fun, rewarding, sadness. I finished the school mural and went on some interviews with a local village for story telling which I will put on the website being created by the managers at Butterfly Space. We are ... Read more >

Tags: butterfly space, devils pool, folk stories, malawi, mama malawi, nkata bay, t-club, victoria falls, zambia

slowly slowly, partying a bit, hula hooping, a future in malawi?

MALAWI | Tuesday, 25 Oct 2011 | Views [965] | Comments [2]

One would think I would be used to this by now but gtting used to the africa time again, has been one of the hardest parts of my stay as of now. Of course the change of pace of city life vs the bay side life has been incredibly ... Read more >

Tags: africa, holidays, hula hoop, lake of stars, malawi, mzungu, peace, special needs, vegan

Again to Malawi Lake, dread locks, gluten free

MALAWI | Friday, 14 Oct 2011 | Views [833]

I’ve taken off from Lilongwe (capital city) and have arrived in a bay called Nkata. It’s a quaint fishing community on the shores of Lake Malawi where people are smiley, artistic, laid back, and goofy. I’ve planted my foot in a backpackers ... Read more >

Tags: africa, butterfly space, dorms, gluten free, malawi, permaculture, tonga

Faith in Fait...and thats all

MALAWI | Thursday, 6 Oct 2011 | Views [799] | Comments [2]

WOW. What in the bloody hell just happened to me. I don't even know where to begin. But lets preface this with, wow life is amazing (that can be good and bad) and I am so thankful for fait, which if I didn't believe in it before, I sure as hell believe ... Read more >

Tags: africa, fate, lake of stars, lilongwe, malawi

up up and away, UGANDA THEN MALAWI,1 week in

UGANDA | Thursday, 6 Oct 2011 | Views [1009]

A little faith in humanity ... even in the simplist form. I was on my way. My parents have sent me off at the redmond airport..and I was beginning my 40hour trek across the globe. I first hopped a plane to portlandia and on the way met a woman from the ... Read more >

Tags: entebbe, kin initiative, lake victoria, malawi, uganda

In the air again

UGANDA | Tuesday, 20 Sep 2011 | Views [1290] | Comments [3] | Video

   I was recently asked, "How can there be hope when such horrible atrocities happen in this world?" My immediate reaction was to agree with the gross behavior of humans and to claim that hope was a bit of a "moo point". I ... Read more >

Tags: botswana, kenya, malawi, namibia, orphange, refugee, tanzania, uganda, volunteer, zambia