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There are [0] photos and [2] stories about Tanzania

moshi town,night clubs, maasai art, world cup

Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 | Views [1321]

i usually plan these journals but this is on the fly as i im in a rush with this new job ive picked up. moshi town is amazing. i have been able to walk freely amongst kili's hills , watch wonderful waterfalls drip from her rocky surface and lounge ... Read more >

Tags: africa, african art with kids, futbol, ghana, la liga night club, maasai, world cup

i was warned, stuck on the boarder, & arrival to tanzania--bliss

Sunday, 16 May 2010 | Views [1121] | Comments [1]

i was told before i came to africa that i must adjust to the africa time. you know 1pm means any time after lunch...maybe even 5pm. i was adjusting well but i couldn't help but get frustrated by my latest experience in nairobi. i had been back to the ... Read more >

Tags: boarder, congo refugees, kilamanjaro, street children, tanzania



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