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There are [11] photos and [4] stories about USA

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compare & contrast KE UG TZ

Tuesday, 24 Aug 2010 | Views [1281] | Comments [1]

these are compare and contrast questions i have been asked often throughout the journey. all answers are only my opinion and do not necessarily pose true data best traditional food UGANDA matoke (green bananas) with leafy vegetables and groundnut ... Read more >

my final journey in africa 2010, and now back to the USA

Tuesday, 24 Aug 2010 | Views [780]

for nearly 2 weeks i worked with the orphan kiddos making amazing crafts mostly beads. they were fascinated by the meditation they reached as they strung bright beads onto string and metal in order to create masterpeice accessories. i attempted ... Read more >

Tags: beading, congo refugees, home, kenya, kin initiative, tanzania, uganda

Ya haven't gotten rid of me yet.....

Tuesday, 1 Sep 2009 | Views [1637] | Comments [10]

so bad news, apparently the US government deems it illegal to enter africa without proof of a return trip plan. since i only had purchased a one way ticket i would be committing a crim by  entering kenya. thus i was turned away at my gate minutes ... Read more >

Tags: america, grrrr, illegal


Saturday, 15 Aug 2009 | Views [684] | Comments [1]

After completing two magical celebrations of the ONE LOVE phenomenon which seems to come through family friendly reggae festivals, I feel more prepared now for this grand adventure than ever. Something about the reality that humans are such beautiful ... Read more >

Tags: children, kenya



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