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Turning 30 South American Style With the dreaded 30th birthday looming, I ran away to South America to celebrate the landmark birthday in style.

Trip: South America and USA.

There are [58] stories from my trip: South America and USA.

Salar de Uyuni the Salt Flats tour

BOLIVIA | Friday, 30 May 2008 | Views [3500] | Comments [2]

Uyuni and the Salt Lakes of Bolivia is one of the freakiest places I have ever seen in my life. The landscape changes so much from luminous green and pink potassium filled volcanic lakes to islands filled with giant cacti on the middle of a salt flat ... Read more >

Tags: bolivia, cactus island, chile, jeep tours, salar de uyuni, salr hotel, salt flat, salt lake, thermal springs, uyuni

Isla del Sol Lake Titicaca

BOLIVIA | Sunday, 25 May 2008 | Views [993]

At the Copa, Copacabana, the song would not leave my head as we headed to Lake Titicaca and the Isla de Sol - both absolutely lovely. The journey from La Paz was spectacular, by far one of the prettiest bus journeys in the world and you have the added ... Read more >

Tags: boat, bolivia, climb, copacabana, ferry, isla del luna, isla del sol, lake titicaca, peru, trek

Lovely La Paz

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 17 May 2008 | Views [866]

Now safely in La Paz which is quite literally a breathtaking city. It is one of the most amazing places I have ever seen and quite unlike anywhere else on earth. It is 3800meters up in the mountains, set in a valley, ringed by the most impressive peaks ... Read more >

Tags: bars, bolivia, city, coca tea, la paz, llama, mountain, pubs, restaurants, witches market

I need some sleep

BOLIVIA | Sunday, 27 Apr 2008 | Views [678]

Am tired, sweaty, exhausted and in desperate need of a day off. I was out until 3am last night dancing to cheesey eighties music at a fancy dress party, arrived at work at 7am to get the birds all fed and watered. After cleaning and raking the cages ... Read more >

Inti Wara Yassi - watching pumas in Bolivia

BOLIVIA | Sunday, 20 Apr 2008 | Views [3450]

As oftten happens, when you are having a good time you have no time to record it. In this case, our good time involves waking up at seven, starting work at seven thirty, finishing at six thirty and having no days off. There is a party every night and ... Read more >

Tags: animal refuge, animal sanctuary, bolivia, cochobamba, inti wara yassi, monkeys, parque machia, pumas, refugio, villa tunari

Wet, wet wet in The Pantanal

BRAZIL | Monday, 7 Apr 2008 | Views [1147]

Paraguay was hard to leave, literally. On the way out we got stuck in a road block protest for a few hours, missed the immigration opening hours, accidentally crossed into Brazil, crossed back and spent hours running around looking around for immigration.... Read more >

Tags: brasil, brazil, cayman, crocodile, football, hammock, mosquito, piranhas, swamp, the pantanal

Paraguay - Ciudad del Este, Asuncion, Concepcion

PARAGUAY | Thursday, 27 Mar 2008 | Views [6729] | Comments [2]

Whenever we tell anyone Argetinian that we were planning to visit Paraguay, the answer invariably was why. For some peverse reason, this made us all the more determined to visit the country, guning for the underdog so to speak. After a week  here though, ... Read more >

Tags: asuncion, beer, boat, border, brahma, ciudad del este, concepcion, guarani, hotel, paraguay

Iguazu Falls Argentina

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 27 Mar 2008 | Views [2135]

Super touristy Iguazu falls were every bit as lovely as I hoped they would be. You can hear the water crashing down for miles around as the spray hits the air and huge big birds of prey circle overhead. Ace. We hit the Argentinian side first, even getting ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, brasil, brazil, butterflies, caymans, devils thoat, falls, iguacu, iguazu, las cascadas

San Ignacio Mini and Posadas

ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 19 Mar 2008 | Views [1410]

Another marathon bus journey saw us take 36 hours from Puerto Madryn to Posadas, the capital city of Misiones at the very top of Argentina. The luxury travel, three course meals and bar service eluded us yet again and we were offered only a ham sandwich ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, heritage, iguazu, jesuit mission, misiones, paraguay, posadas, restaurant, san ignacio, unesco

Puerto Madryn

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Views [937]

The ride up to Puerto Madryn was quite nice, we had a lovely squishy seat and a TV dinner of Milanese Beef and mashed potatoes. Well me being vegetarian, Steve had two, but it´s the thought that counts. We were a bit sparkled on arrival but managed ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, camping, elephant seal, killer whale, lobos marinos, orka, penguins, peninsula valdes, puerto madryn, southern right whale

Ruta 40

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Views [889]

Calling something legendary tends to overlook the fact that 36 hours of spine bashing discomfort on an unpaved road through the middle of nowhere is very few people´s idea of fun. We should have known when the bus we were travelling on dissapeared for ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, bus, bus journey, coach, condors, on the road, route 40, ruta 40, travel

Gallery: Chile and South Argentina

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

Chile and South Arg
See all 40 photos >>

El Chalten

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 9 Mar 2008 | Views [1122]

Eager to claw back some cash after the finance draining excess of the Merino glacier, we took our wee tent up the road to El Chalten, a lovely little town at the base of Fitzroy mountain where the camping is free. The downside is there is no shower ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, camping, el chalten, glacier grande, glaciers, lakes, merino glacier, mountains, trek, trekking

El Calafate Perito Merino glacier

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 9 Mar 2008 | Views [2263]

For once, the hype is all true. The Perito Moreno Glacier is truly one of the most awesome things I have ever seen. The thing is massive, a huge great big wall of pure solid blue ice in the most spectacular setting, crashing down into a lake of turquoise ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, boat, camping, el calafate, ferry, glacier, lake, mountain, perito merino glacier, stream

Clubbing in Bariloche

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 26 Feb 2008 | Views [1158]

The last thing we needed after a three day trek through the mounatians was to walk slap bang into a 30th birthday celebration in the hostel, but we refuse to be party poopers. With a much needed shower washing three days of blood, sweat and tears ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, bar, bariloche, birthday, dancing, hostel, night club, party time, pub, the roxbury

Trekking in Bariloche

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 26 Feb 2008 | Views [1617]

I used to think that trekking was for pansies and old people. After unwittingly climbing three peaks arround Bariloche in four days I have a new found respect for red socked ramblers and a terrible aching pain all over my body. You think we would learn ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, bariloche, cerro bailey willis, cerro negro, colonia suiss, laguna negra, mount tronador, mountains, trek, trekking

Back in Argentina in Bariloche

ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 20 Feb 2008 | Views [854]

Steve and I accidentally climbed a mountain today. Only a little one at 2500 meters, but a mountain none the less. It all happened becuase the wee ramble we planned to do began with a ride up a ski lift charging a rather steep price of 40 pesos. So ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, bariloche, border, cerro catedral, chocolate, mountain, st bernard, swiss, the great outdoors, trekking

Penguins in Chiloe

CHILE | Wednesday, 20 Feb 2008 | Views [1553]

Mission penguin saw us taking a short ferry trip over to the Island of Chiloe, a lovely little place full of smugglers coves, sandy beaches and lots of folklore. We arrived in a rain storm, andmanaged to pitch the tent in a nice wee place with tidy ... Read more >

Tags: camping, castro, chile, chiloe, ferry, hostel, island, penguins, south america, the great outdoors


ARGENTINA | Friday, 8 Feb 2008 | Views [1092]

After two months of being told just how beautiful the lake district of Chile is, we were happy to find that yes, it is really rather spectacular. All rolling verdant fields, rather like the British pastoral scene, then your eyes drift up to find a ... Read more >

Tags: camping, chile, fish, lake, lake district, osorno, patagnonia, puerto octay, the great outdoors, volcanoe

Santiago de Chile

CHILE | Friday, 8 Feb 2008 | Views [932]

Santiago was a pleasent surpise for us. We only really spent two days there and to be honest, I can´t imagine needing any more than that, but it was a nice big city with a really pleasent feel to it. The metro system is ace, and cheap. It even has ... Read more >

Tags: chile, city, hotel, latin america, metro, museum, pisco sour, restaurant, santiago de chile, south america

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