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Turning 30 South American Style With the dreaded 30th birthday looming, I ran away to South America to celebrate the landmark birthday in style.


There are [0] photos and [5] stories tagged with "trekking".

Ciudad Perdida Katrina Jones and the Lost City

COLOMBIA | Friday, 8 Aug 2008 | Views [3511]

Reared on a diet of Indiana Jones and Romancing the Stone, I had been looking forward to the machete swinging jungle trek vision of the Ciudad Perdida for months and happily it lived up to expectations. We forged waist high rivers with backpacks on ... Read more >

Tags: ciudad perdida, colombia, latin america, lost city, santa marta, south america, trek, trekking, turcol, waterfall

Valley deep mountain too high in Arequipa

PERU | Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Views [1395]

Arequipa is a lovely little city, ringed by volcanoes and built out of white sandstone rocks, a nice gentle introduction to tourist heavy southern Peru. We headed there on my insistence as I wanted to trek in the Colca Canyon nearby. And after getting ... Read more >

Tags: arequipa, camping, campsite, colca canyon, latin america., mount mitsi, peru, south america, trek, trekking

El Chalten

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 9 Mar 2008 | Views [1114]

Eager to claw back some cash after the finance draining excess of the Merino glacier, we took our wee tent up the road to El Chalten, a lovely little town at the base of Fitzroy mountain where the camping is free. The downside is there is no shower ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, camping, el chalten, glacier grande, glaciers, lakes, merino glacier, mountains, trek, trekking

Trekking in Bariloche

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 26 Feb 2008 | Views [1609]

I used to think that trekking was for pansies and old people. After unwittingly climbing three peaks arround Bariloche in four days I have a new found respect for red socked ramblers and a terrible aching pain all over my body. You think we would learn ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, bariloche, cerro bailey willis, cerro negro, colonia suiss, laguna negra, mount tronador, mountains, trek, trekking

Back in Argentina in Bariloche

ARGENTINA | Wednesday, 20 Feb 2008 | Views [841]

Steve and I accidentally climbed a mountain today. Only a little one at 2500 meters, but a mountain none the less. It all happened becuase the wee ramble we planned to do began with a ride up a ski lift charging a rather steep price of 40 pesos. So ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, bariloche, border, cerro catedral, chocolate, mountain, st bernard, swiss, the great outdoors, trekking

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