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Turning 30 South American Style With the dreaded 30th birthday looming, I ran away to South America to celebrate the landmark birthday in style.


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "santa marta".

Hammock swinging in Taganga

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 24 Aug 2008 | Views [5742] | Comments [1]

With its horseshoe bay framed by rolling hills, little fishing boats bobbing in the clear water under a warm Caribbean sun, Taganga, we discovered, is best viewed from a hammock, glass of wine in hand. True, there is not much to do here beyond diving, ... Read more >

Tags: caribbean, colombia, diving, fishing, hammock, latin america, santa marta, south america, taganga

Ciudad Perdida Katrina Jones and the Lost City

COLOMBIA | Friday, 8 Aug 2008 | Views [3512]

Reared on a diet of Indiana Jones and Romancing the Stone, I had been looking forward to the machete swinging jungle trek vision of the Ciudad Perdida for months and happily it lived up to expectations. We forged waist high rivers with backpacks on ... Read more >

Tags: ciudad perdida, colombia, latin america, lost city, santa marta, south america, trek, trekking, turcol, waterfall

Caribbean slumming in Santa Marta

COLOMBIA | Friday, 8 Aug 2008 | Views [1615] | Comments [1]

Santa Marta didn't look too promising at first, especially after we took a wrong turn out of the bus station and ended up walking for hours in the back breaking 30 degree heat late at night. But illness and changing travel plans conspired to keep us ... Read more >

Tags: bars, beach, caribbean, colombia, hostels, latin america, ocean, santa marta, sea, south america

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