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Turning 30 South American Style With the dreaded 30th birthday looming, I ran away to South America to celebrate the landmark birthday in style.

Hammock swinging in Taganga

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 24 August 2008 | Views [5743] | Comments [1]

With its horseshoe bay framed by rolling hills, little fishing boats bobbing in the clear water under a warm Caribbean sun, Taganga, we discovered, is best viewed from a hammock, glass of wine in hand.

True, there is not much to do here beyond diving, drinking and dozing about as your hammock swings softly in the gentle breeze but that is surely the point of a little fishing village.

We were put off coming here by people who told us there was nothing here beyond dive centrers but when we popped here for dinner from Santa Marta we couldn't believe we had stayed in the port side town for so long when this little nugget was just up the road.

It is lovely, very chilled, relaxed, calm and pretty with plenty of little bars and cafes.

We splashed out here on a little hill top cabin with its own veranda and watched the sun set over the bay with a bottle of red or three we found on special offer at Exito supermarket.

The view was beautiful, with boats rolling into the bay at sunset as sky turned rose coloured and the sea all shimmery. Muy romantica.

And beyond short strolls up the road to feed ourselves on fresh baked baguette sandwiches or fresh eggs for breakfast, we did very little else.

Just laid in the hammock for days, watching the boats rolling in and then rolling out again as we nodded off with a good book.

Tags: caribbean, colombia, diving, fishing, hammock, latin america, santa marta, south america, taganga



ei! could you tell me the name of this place in Taganga? im looking for accomodation.
thanks a lot

  celeste Feb 17, 2013 10:35 AM

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