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Turning 30 South American Style With the dreaded 30th birthday looming, I ran away to South America to celebrate the landmark birthday in style.

Trip: South America and USA.

There are [58] stories from my trip: South America and USA.

New York

USA | Sunday, 24 Aug 2008 | Views [1080]

  Last stop on an epic journey and as much luxury as we have enjoyed on our whole trip. We dined in style, drank in hip bars, saw the sites and accidentally walked into Macy's during the horror show that is the August annual one day sale. Commitment ... Read more >

Tags: america, battery park, brooklyn, empire state building, flat iron building, macys, new york, smith street, united states of america, usa

Kat on a hot tin roomette - riding the Atlantic coast Amtrak in style.

USA | Sunday, 24 Aug 2008 | Views [6334]

  Kat on a hot tin roomette - riding the Atlantic coast Amtrak in style. A roomette for two on Amtrak for the 31 hour train journey from Miami to New York is about as close to flying first close we are likely to experience any time soon and oh what ... Read more >

Tags: america, american raliway, amtrak, miami, new york, rail, train, train journey, united states of america, usa

Welcome to Miami

USA | Sunday, 24 Aug 2008 | Views [956]

  Happily tucked into a seat on Lan Airways, blanket on lap and glass of red in hand, I turned to Steve and said how lovely - for the first time in almost a year we will be able to just talk to people, in English. The first person we met in the airport ... Read more >

Tags: america, bars, hotels, latin america, miami, restaurants, service, south beach, united states of america, usa

Barely visiting Bogota

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 24 Aug 2008 | Views [2487]

  Owing to oversight on booking coach ticket, we missed out on a decent view of Bogota leaving ourselves little more than one day in which to race around the city. To be fair though, we didn't exactly race around it, selecting instead to visit a ... Read more >

Tags: art museum, bar, bogota, bortoli, colombia, falafel, latin america, pizza., restaurant, south america

Hammock swinging in Taganga

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 24 Aug 2008 | Views [5742] | Comments [1]

With its horseshoe bay framed by rolling hills, little fishing boats bobbing in the clear water under a warm Caribbean sun, Taganga, we discovered, is best viewed from a hammock, glass of wine in hand. True, there is not much to do here beyond diving, ... Read more >

Tags: caribbean, colombia, diving, fishing, hammock, latin america, santa marta, south america, taganga

Gallery: various

COLOMBIA | Sunday, 24 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 10 photos >>

Ciudad Perdida Katrina Jones and the Lost City

COLOMBIA | Friday, 8 Aug 2008 | Views [3511]

Reared on a diet of Indiana Jones and Romancing the Stone, I had been looking forward to the machete swinging jungle trek vision of the Ciudad Perdida for months and happily it lived up to expectations. We forged waist high rivers with backpacks on ... Read more >

Tags: ciudad perdida, colombia, latin america, lost city, santa marta, south america, trek, trekking, turcol, waterfall

Caribbean slumming in Santa Marta

COLOMBIA | Friday, 8 Aug 2008 | Views [1615] | Comments [1]

Santa Marta didn't look too promising at first, especially after we took a wrong turn out of the bus station and ended up walking for hours in the back breaking 30 degree heat late at night. But illness and changing travel plans conspired to keep us ... Read more >

Tags: bars, beach, caribbean, colombia, hostels, latin america, ocean, santa marta, sea, south america


COLOMBIA | Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Views [1215]

We spent three days on a bus traveling across the length of the country to reach the sunny Caribbean coast and arrived in Cartagena happy and hot. We ditched plans to stay in the back packer ghetto at Gethsemane shortly after I accidentally wandered ... Read more >

Tags: caribbean, cartagena, city walls, colombia, gethsemane, latin america, photograph, photography, salsa, south america

Colombia: Pasto and Popayan

COLOMBIA | Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Views [1393]

And so to Colombia I was really excited going for the border at Colombia. It is pretty much the last country we will visit on the trip and every kept on telling us about the freindly people, beatiful towns, great beaches, Caribbean breezes. Sounds ... Read more >

Tags: bar, border crossing, bosa nova, colombia, latin america, music, pasto, popayan, salsa, south america


ECUADOR | Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Views [991]

Lovely white washed historic Quito is easily one of the loveliest colonial cities in Latin America, but a total ghost town at night as residents hurry home to bolt their doors against the violent reputation of the city. It is a real shame as it could ... Read more >

Tags: churches, colonial architecture, ecuador, equador, frescos., latin america, quito, south america

Gallery: salt

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 20 photos >>

Banos, which hopefully means bath, not toilet.

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Views [1604]

Lovely Banos is a smashing little town, surrounded by forest topped mountians and waterfalls and blessed with an ambudance of natural hot springs. It is a really beatiful place with lots of lovely hostels, restaurants, coffe shops, book exchanges and ... Read more >

Tags: banos, bathe, ecuador, equador, hot springs, minerals, restaurant, volcano, walk, waterfall

Into Ecuador - A whirlwind trip through Loja and Cuenca

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Views [1871]

New month, new country. We skipped through the north of Peru in a whirlwind of bus rides that left us in Loja, southern Ecuador in a bit of a daze. Exhausted from the trip, we entered the city through a surreal Disney version of a medieval German moathouse.... Read more >

Tags: churches, colonial, cuenca, ecuador, equador, galleries, libertadores cup, loja, panama hats, restaurant

Surf, sand and cemented ruins at Trujillo and Huanchaco

PERU | Monday, 7 Jul 2008 | Views [1144]

Desperate for some rest and relaxation after a hard few weeks of doing nothing we spent a few pleasant day at the beach near Trujillo. Our hectic daily schedule involved waking up, eating, having a nap and then dozing off reading a book in the sunshine ... Read more >

Tags: huanchaco, moche, mud bricks, peru, pyramid, reed boats, surf, surfing, temple, trujillo


PERU | Sunday, 29 Jun 2008 | Views [1705]

We arrived in this lovely mountain town with great plans to trek across the national park and maybe even climb a mountain. We leave having done a half hour walk spending hours on a bus to get there. The problem was that it was just so hard to try ... Read more >

Tags: fauna, flora, glacier, huaraz, lake, mountain, national park, peru, south america, trek

Sandboarding at the Oasis Huacachina

PERU | Sunday, 29 Jun 2008 | Views [2451] | Comments [1]

Indiana Jones has a lot to answer for. After watching the new film in Cuzco, we couldn´t pass by the Nazca Lines without having a least a little glimpse of the famous scribbles and to be fair, they weren´t really up to much. The town itself was all ... Read more >

Tags: dune buggy, huacachina, ica, nazca, oasis, peru, sand, sand dune, sandboarding, water

Machu Picchu

PERU | Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Views [1764]

When something gets as big as Machu Picchu you get a little concerned that after great expense, time and distance to get there it can´t help but fail to live up the giant reputation that rests on its shoulders. It´s a wonder of the world visited by ... Read more >

Tags: agua calientes, cuzco, cycle, inca, latin america, machu picchu, peru, south america, tour, trek

Valley deep mountain too high in Arequipa

PERU | Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Views [1395]

Arequipa is a lovely little city, ringed by volcanoes and built out of white sandstone rocks, a nice gentle introduction to tourist heavy southern Peru. We headed there on my insistence as I wanted to trek in the Colca Canyon nearby. And after getting ... Read more >

Tags: arequipa, camping, campsite, colca canyon, latin america., mount mitsi, peru, south america, trek, trekking

Death Road mountain bike trip to Coroica

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 7 Jun 2008 | Views [5929]

As the ultimate mountain bike widow there was no chance of sneaking out of La Paz without at least some experience of the death road, one of the most famous downhill mountain bike rides in the world. My options were to catch a bus down and wait for ... Read more >

Tags: bolivia, cliff, coroica, cycle, death road, la paz, latin america., mountain, mountain bike, south america

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