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Turning 30 South American Style With the dreaded 30th birthday looming, I ran away to South America to celebrate the landmark birthday in style.


There are [0] photos and [8] stories tagged with "camping".

Valley deep mountain too high in Arequipa

PERU | Sunday, 22 Jun 2008 | Views [1395]

Arequipa is a lovely little city, ringed by volcanoes and built out of white sandstone rocks, a nice gentle introduction to tourist heavy southern Peru. We headed there on my insistence as I wanted to trek in the Colca Canyon nearby. And after getting ... Read more >

Tags: arequipa, camping, campsite, colca canyon, latin america., mount mitsi, peru, south america, trek, trekking

Puerto Madryn

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 13 Mar 2008 | Views [922]

The ride up to Puerto Madryn was quite nice, we had a lovely squishy seat and a TV dinner of Milanese Beef and mashed potatoes. Well me being vegetarian, Steve had two, but it´s the thought that counts. We were a bit sparkled on arrival but managed ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, camping, elephant seal, killer whale, lobos marinos, orka, penguins, peninsula valdes, puerto madryn, southern right whale

El Chalten

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 9 Mar 2008 | Views [1114]

Eager to claw back some cash after the finance draining excess of the Merino glacier, we took our wee tent up the road to El Chalten, a lovely little town at the base of Fitzroy mountain where the camping is free. The downside is there is no shower ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, camping, el chalten, glacier grande, glaciers, lakes, merino glacier, mountains, trek, trekking

El Calafate Perito Merino glacier

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 9 Mar 2008 | Views [2245]

For once, the hype is all true. The Perito Moreno Glacier is truly one of the most awesome things I have ever seen. The thing is massive, a huge great big wall of pure solid blue ice in the most spectacular setting, crashing down into a lake of turquoise ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, boat, camping, el calafate, ferry, glacier, lake, mountain, perito merino glacier, stream

Penguins in Chiloe

CHILE | Wednesday, 20 Feb 2008 | Views [1537]

Mission penguin saw us taking a short ferry trip over to the Island of Chiloe, a lovely little place full of smugglers coves, sandy beaches and lots of folklore. We arrived in a rain storm, andmanaged to pitch the tent in a nice wee place with tidy ... Read more >

Tags: camping, castro, chile, chiloe, ferry, hostel, island, penguins, south america, the great outdoors


ARGENTINA | Friday, 8 Feb 2008 | Views [1073]

After two months of being told just how beautiful the lake district of Chile is, we were happy to find that yes, it is really rather spectacular. All rolling verdant fields, rather like the British pastoral scene, then your eyes drift up to find a ... Read more >

Tags: camping, chile, fish, lake, lake district, osorno, patagnonia, puerto octay, the great outdoors, volcanoe

Chasing Che in Alta Gracia

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 24 Jan 2008 | Views [1300]

Alta Gracia, the child hood home of Che Guevara was a lovely surprise. After sleeping through our first day there in a super hot sweat box resembling the cooler from the Great Escape, we pitched the tent in a beautiful park called Federica Lorca, named ... Read more >

Tags: alta gracia, arentina, camping, che guevara, church, cordoba, jesuit estancia, lake, lorca park, unesco world heritage site

Feeling hot hot hot in La Falda

ARGENTINA | Thursday, 24 Jan 2008 | Views [894]

We took our cue from the rest of Buenos Aires that there really is no point staying in the city during the scorching summer months, so off we headed. The rest of the city seems to camp in a beach resort down south for the month, but one look at the ... Read more >

Tags: argentina, campfire, camping, cordoba, la falda, lake, mate, mountains

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