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Turning 30 South American Style With the dreaded 30th birthday looming, I ran away to South America to celebrate the landmark birthday in style.


There are [0] photos and [5] stories tagged with "chile".

Salar de Uyuni the Salt Flats tour

BOLIVIA | Friday, 30 May 2008 | Views [3484] | Comments [2]

Uyuni and the Salt Lakes of Bolivia is one of the freakiest places I have ever seen in my life. The landscape changes so much from luminous green and pink potassium filled volcanic lakes to islands filled with giant cacti on the middle of a salt flat ... Read more >

Tags: bolivia, cactus island, chile, jeep tours, salar de uyuni, salr hotel, salt flat, salt lake, thermal springs, uyuni

Penguins in Chiloe

CHILE | Wednesday, 20 Feb 2008 | Views [1537]

Mission penguin saw us taking a short ferry trip over to the Island of Chiloe, a lovely little place full of smugglers coves, sandy beaches and lots of folklore. We arrived in a rain storm, andmanaged to pitch the tent in a nice wee place with tidy ... Read more >

Tags: camping, castro, chile, chiloe, ferry, hostel, island, penguins, south america, the great outdoors


ARGENTINA | Friday, 8 Feb 2008 | Views [1073]

After two months of being told just how beautiful the lake district of Chile is, we were happy to find that yes, it is really rather spectacular. All rolling verdant fields, rather like the British pastoral scene, then your eyes drift up to find a ... Read more >

Tags: camping, chile, fish, lake, lake district, osorno, patagnonia, puerto octay, the great outdoors, volcanoe

Santiago de Chile

CHILE | Friday, 8 Feb 2008 | Views [917]

Santiago was a pleasent surpise for us. We only really spent two days there and to be honest, I can´t imagine needing any more than that, but it was a nice big city with a really pleasent feel to it. The metro system is ace, and cheap. It even has ... Read more >

Tags: chile, city, hotel, latin america, metro, museum, pisco sour, restaurant, santiago de chile, south america

Los Libertadores border crossing Mendoza to Santiago

ARGENTINA | Friday, 8 Feb 2008 | Views [2838]

The border crossing from Argentina to Chile  at Los Libertadores sort of summed up Argentina as a whole. It is breathtakingly beautiful, pain stakingly slow and strangely requiring of tips for customs officials! It was probably our own fault for taking ... Read more >

Tags: anacongua, argentina, border, chile, latin america, los libertadores, mendoza, mountains, road trip, santiago de chile

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