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Cooking and Harp

Tuesday, 22 Sep 2015 | Views [497]

Saturday was a cooking class. Joe, Megan , Maria José, and Aimé were also signed up for that session. (This was the second of three sessions, each with a cap of six people.) The cooking took place at a private house about an hour from ... Read more >

Tags: cooking, food, harp

My first in a long string of very long Fridays

Monday, 21 Sep 2015 | Views [332]

My Fridays begin at 9 in the morning at Juisseau. Except, seeing as I don't live right there, and even if I did I'd still need time to get ready in the mornings, this required getting up significantly earlier. Early enough that the sun had not finished ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, history of math, international students, math, phonetics

Topology and languages part two: the easy version of Wednesday

Sunday, 20 Sep 2015 | Views [441]

Thursday required me getting up in time to be at a 10:45 class. It is one of only two morning classes I have this semester. Life is rough. The class in question was topology. I think it won the dubious title of most comprehensible topology class ... Read more >

Tags: banking, french, math, sunset, topology

I'm not sure what language this is, but I think I understand

Saturday, 19 Sep 2015 | Views [286]

You'd think that, after one week of classes, I'd have enough familiarity with my schedule to be able to match names to numbers. Certainly, when I'm looking up the classrooms for the TDs, I'd pay accurate attention to which class I'm going to be going ... Read more >

Tags: math, russian, topology

And so another week of classes begins

Friday, 18 Sep 2015 | Views [418]

Analysis has grown on me every time I’ve taken it. The first time I took it, I liked it, but it was basically just a math class. A math class that involved more rigor and writing than I was used to, but nothing super special. The next analysis ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, food, harp, math

Mondays, Mondays

Thursday, 17 Sep 2015 | Views [394]

Since I’d designed my schedule to not have classes on Monday, I didn’t have anything I needed to do when I woke up in my own apartment the next morning. So I decided to finally get around to something I’d been meaning to do for a while:... Read more >

Tags: artichokes, cooking, food, kitchen, shopping

About suffering, they were never wrong, the old masters

Wednesday, 16 Sep 2015 | Views [427]

Sunday, Laure had to work, so she arranged for me to spend the day with some of the other anglophones from the day before. This turned out to be both Sarahs, because they were up and the other two weren’t. (To make matters worse, American Sarah ... Read more >

Tags: art, books, middle ages, museum, renaissance

Hosts and Families

Tuesday, 15 Sep 2015 | Views [335]

After getting up on Saturday, Laure gave me a mission: to go to the bakery and pick up the viennoiseries she'd ordered. To help me with this mission, she drew me a map. Her theory with giving me this mission was that out would allow me to ... Read more >

Tags: barbecue, coffee, family, guitars, wood

From Paris to Dijon

Monday, 14 Sep 2015 | Views [336]

Friday morning was rather lazy. I packed for the weekend, sorted through papers, and cleaned the apartment. After lunch, I headed to the university for my last "math" course of the week. Really, my only history class, since if it was a math course, ... Read more >

Tags: history, host family, math, trains

And then there's topology

Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 | Views [252]

I didn't realise until I got to campus that my next class (by process of elimination, that one had to be topology) that this class did not take place at the same lecture hall my previous one had. In fact, this one didn't take place at a numbered lecture ... Read more >

Tags: campus, dijon, math, topology

Aimless Wednesday

Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 | Views [268]

Wednesday I had no class. This was not a typical thing, but since most TDs were nonexistent the first week, it was true this week. This gave me a full day to myself. I caught up on the emails I needed to write (intended to catch up on the blog, but ... Read more >

Tags: books, language, registration

Analysis: an oasis of clarity and reasoning in the vast desert of the real world

Saturday, 12 Sep 2015 | Views [301]

Tuesday began with a meeting at the Brown in France office of how to live like a real Parisian. Specifically, how to live cheaply in an expensive city,like a real Parisian student. Tip number one: live at home. If your parents have lived in Paris ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, cheap, math, university

The Ultimate Scavenger Hunt

Friday, 11 Sep 2015 | Views [314]

On Monday, I had two things I needed to do: meet with Stephanie about the pro-seminar and go to the university to see if I could have any luck registering for Russian. I also had things I wanted to do, like get internet working again. (I had eventually ... Read more >

Tags: gardens, pro-seminar, registration, seine

A Palace fit for a king

Thursday, 10 Sep 2015 | Views [408]

On Sunday, we met in Paris to catch the RER to Versailles. Besides the people in the program and the tour guide Guillaume, we were accompanied by Stephanie’s sister, Erin’s husband and two children, and Cambria’s parents. Cambria’... Read more >

Tags: art, fountains, gardens, history, mythology, versailles

A Saturday to call my own

Wednesday, 9 Sep 2015 | Views [387]

There was absolutely nothing I had to do on Saturday. No group activities or meetings with my landlady. No apartments to visit or courses to register for. Not even any homework, since the course with Christine had ended and the regular university classes ... Read more >

Tags: books, free time, shopping, tea

The end of the week (not to be confused with the weekend)

Tuesday, 8 Sep 2015 | Views [273]

After finishing the test, I did not want to sit down. So I just started walking, with the vague plan of going until I got tired, and then maybe catching a metro back from wherever I ended up. I got hungry first, and stopped for lunch at a crepe stand ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, dinner, french, internet

Nothing like a three-hour French test to get your day off to a good start

Monday, 7 Sep 2015 | Views [253]

One of the classes I’d registered for was French, so that needed to begin with a placement test. We were told to show up at precisely 9:00, and expect it to take about 3 hours. Because I can never get enough of French placement tests (why else ... Read more >

Tags: cultural differences, french, registration, tests

French 3010 comes back to haunt me

Sunday, 6 Sep 2015 | Views [342]

There weren’t any morning activities scheduled on Thursday, so I slept in, walked around Paris for a while, and finally worked my way back to the university around two. This had given them enough time to respond to my e-mail, first to forward ... Read more >

Tags: art, course registration, french

Registering for classes and signing forms about my room used to be so easy

Friday, 4 Sep 2015 | Views [367]

Tuesday we met for a walking tour of part of Marais. “Marais” being French for “when I was a kid, the entire city used to a swamp, and we had to go to the Latin quarter just to be on solid ground.” It was led by Guillaume, an ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, class registration, tour, transport

Pretending I'm a real adult

Wednesday, 2 Sep 2015 | Views [982]

On Monday, I woke up in my own apartment. Although waking up anywhere else would have been rather disturbing, it still felt like a surprising thing to do. I did not need to worry about Ruby already being in the shower, or tripping over Clara's bags ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, cheese, groceries

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