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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "registration".

One of these Mondays I'll do something fun

FRANCE | Friday, 25 Sep 2015 | Views [351] | Comments [1]

Monday being the one weekday that I don’t have any classes, it tends to be when I schedule or plan on getting around to doing all of my boring things. Other times, it ends up being when other people ask me to do things. Those both turned out to ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, banks, registration, rent

Aimless Wednesday

FRANCE | Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 | Views [268]

Wednesday I had no class. This was not a typical thing, but since most TDs were nonexistent the first week, it was true this week. This gave me a full day to myself. I caught up on the emails I needed to write (intended to catch up on the blog, but ... Read more >

Tags: books, language, registration

The Ultimate Scavenger Hunt

FRANCE | Friday, 11 Sep 2015 | Views [314]

On Monday, I had two things I needed to do: meet with Stephanie about the pro-seminar and go to the university to see if I could have any luck registering for Russian. I also had things I wanted to do, like get internet working again. (I had eventually ... Read more >

Tags: gardens, pro-seminar, registration, seine

Nothing like a three-hour French test to get your day off to a good start

FRANCE | Monday, 7 Sep 2015 | Views [253]

One of the classes I’d registered for was French, so that needed to begin with a placement test. We were told to show up at precisely 9:00, and expect it to take about 3 hours. Because I can never get enough of French placement tests (why else ... Read more >

Tags: cultural differences, french, registration, tests

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