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There are [0] photos and [6] stories tagged with "gardens".

Ferries and Shinkanesen, Everyone's Favorite Modes of Transportation

JAPAN | Thursday, 21 Apr 2016 | Views [592]

Sunday morning, Rachel and I planned to catch ferry to Nokonomishma. This required catching a train, then either a bus or a ten minute walk, buying ferry tickets, and getting on the ferry. Which wasn’t all that complicated until the last step.... Read more >

Tags: coffee, flowers, gardens, hamburger, kyushu, shinkansen, transportation

True Japanese Hospitality

JAPAN | Friday, 8 Apr 2016 | Views [536]

Rachel's best friend's mother lived in Fukuoka. This meant that, even though Rachel's best friend was not there, the mother, Chiharu, still came and showed us around with traditional Japanese hospitality. First of all, Chiharu had a car. So we ... Read more >

Tags: fukuoka, gardens, guides, ice cream, koi, sakura, towers

The Ultimate Scavenger Hunt

FRANCE | Friday, 11 Sep 2015 | Views [314]

On Monday, I had two things I needed to do: meet with Stephanie about the pro-seminar and go to the university to see if I could have any luck registering for Russian. I also had things I wanted to do, like get internet working again. (I had eventually ... Read more >

Tags: gardens, pro-seminar, registration, seine

A Palace fit for a king

FRANCE | Thursday, 10 Sep 2015 | Views [408]

On Sunday, we met in Paris to catch the RER to Versailles. Besides the people in the program and the tour guide Guillaume, we were accompanied by Stephanie’s sister, Erin’s husband and two children, and Cambria’s parents. Cambria’... Read more >

Tags: art, fountains, gardens, history, mythology, versailles

Saturday Explorations

USA | Tuesday, 23 Jun 2015 | Views [288]

Saturday was, by most measures, a fairly dull day. I wandered around campus for a while in the early afternoon. This led to several kinds of interesting discoveries, ranging from cool to creepy. “Cool” describes the formal gardens.They ... Read more >

Tags: gardens, music, puzzle, walking


MOROCCO | Thursday, 12 Jun 2014 | Views [423]

Not since Rome have I been so sure that I was going to get run over. In Rome it was the fault of the drivers. Here, it's because the pedestrians are insane. I'd noticed that a little bit with my walk with Nathan and Erika Sunday, and then a bit more ... Read more >

Tags: food, gardens, moroccan students, school, tour

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