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There are [0] photos and [6] stories tagged with "walking".

Café Hunting

JAPAN | Friday, 19 Feb 2016 | Views [393]

We had a four day weekend starting on Thursday, which probably would have made for a decent reason to leave Osaka and go somewhere. Except that I didn't really want to leave, and I did have a lot of work to get done. So I just stayed in the vicinity ... Read more >

Tags: cafes, coffee, flowers, pancakes, roofs, walking

Sometimes I Walk Alone at 10 AM when Everybody Else is Sleeping

JAPAN | Tuesday, 19 Jan 2016 | Views [554]

On Saturday, I woke up with the knowledge that I didn't need to do anything with the group until some time after 5 PM when we were meeting up to go bowling. After the two days before, it was beautiful knowledge. Since “alone time” joined ... Read more >

Tags: bowling, graph theory, ramen, rivers, walking

I've walked these streets before

FRANCE | Friday, 28 Aug 2015 | Views [267]

Wednesday began with a "practical meeting" scheduled for two hours. This one was an actual case of over scheduling, since we were done with the meeting in under an hour. But it gave Erin time to explain things about our cultural outings, (opera, dance, ... Read more >

Tags: appartment, metro, montmartre, montparnasse, stairs, walking

Saturday Explorations

USA | Tuesday, 23 Jun 2015 | Views [288]

Saturday was, by most measures, a fairly dull day. I wandered around campus for a while in the early afternoon. This led to several kinds of interesting discoveries, ranging from cool to creepy. “Cool” describes the formal gardens.They ... Read more >

Tags: gardens, music, puzzle, walking

Dunnotar Castle: A Real Castle

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 15 Sep 2014 | Views [435]

My sister and I arrived at the Aberdeen train station a full hour early. Early enough to catch an earlier train to Stonehaven. A station attendant noticed us looking at the destination lists and asked us where we were going, then told us there was ... Read more >

Tags: car, castle, citadel, steps, walking

Pre-Debate Preparation

MOROCCO | Saturday, 21 Jun 2014 | Views [317]

Classes on Thursday went well, though our lit professor spent about half the time talking about the reading we'd done for Wednesday. We only had the one presentation in politics, as was sane. But, before we could start our lunch, a woman from a Moroccan ... Read more >

Tags: cafe, debate, walking

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