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Moving Day

Tuesday, 1 Sep 2015 | Views [347]

The last apartment that I needed to look at was in the twelfth arrondissement. It was another one of those places where taking public transportation was nearly as slow as walking (about half an hour). And, given it was supposed to be a nice day, (a ... Read more >

Tags: apartments, home

A Saturday not as lazy as I would have liked

Tuesday, 1 Sep 2015 | Views [291]

Saturday we had nothing to do until 17:00, when we were meeting at a cinema to watch Dheepan. Which gave us most of a day to ourselves. I woke up around 10, looked up a couple of destinations, and set off for Shakespeare and Company. It was ... Read more >

Tags: apartments, books, film

First visit to the university

Sunday, 30 Aug 2015 | Views [296]

A crash course in the names that the school I'll be spending next semester at: The full name is Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie. When it's abbreviated, this gives rise to the rather logical UPMC. Depending on the context, the Sorbonne ... Read more >

Tags: apartments, dessert, university, upmc

Settling into normal

Saturday, 29 Aug 2015 | Views [318]

Thursday began with police from the eleventh arrondissement coming in to talk to us. Three of them showed up- two actual police officers and one volunteer. (A couple of years ago, to improve their public perception, the police started accepting volunteers.... Read more >

Tags: apartements, police, rain

I've walked these streets before

Friday, 28 Aug 2015 | Views [266]

Wednesday began with a "practical meeting" scheduled for two hours. This one was an actual case of over scheduling, since we were done with the meeting in under an hour. But it gave Erin time to explain things about our cultural outings, (opera, dance, ... Read more >

Tags: appartment, metro, montmartre, montparnasse, stairs, walking

Courses and Housing: what most people figured out in April

Thursday, 27 Aug 2015 | Views [401]

he day began with a quick breakfast from the nearest boulangerie (perk of being in Paris) and a two hour description of French higher education.  Mainly focusing on universities, especially the ones we'd be studying at. It was a mixture of practical ... Read more >

Tags: apartment, classes, metro, transportation, universities

Turns out Carthage students particiapting in Brown study abroads aren't typical Brown students

Wednesday, 26 Aug 2015 | Views [340]

There are several cities where, the night before I leave, I stare out a window and make a promise to myself and to the city that I'll be back. Paris is not one of those cities. Rather, it's one of the cities that it seems like I keep returning to. It's ... Read more >

Tags: french, housing, japanese, music

Oh, the people you'll meet

Tuesday, 25 Aug 2015 | Views [395]

When I got to the hotel, the concierge told me that, although my room wasn't ready, other people's room in the programme had clean rooms. Good for them? And I could either leave my suitcase there, or have the concierge call their room while I waited ... Read more >

Tags: exploring, food, introductions

High Flying, Adored

Sunday, 8 Jun 2014 | Views [391]

My goal for this (and really, most) trips is that it will be a learning experience. And I'm learning so much already! Lesson 1: $400 is a really good price to upgrade to business class. If I didn't believe my family when they told me that, watching the ... Read more >

Tags: food, plane

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