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There are [0] photos and [34] stories tagged with "math".

Oh, the People You'll Meet

JAPAN | Friday, 15 Apr 2016 | Views [480]

The AirBnB hostel that Rachel and I were staying in seemed like it couldn't make up its mind about what kind of place it wanted to be. On the one hand, there were 8 beds in one room, and there were rules like “be back by 10” and “don't ... Read more >

Tags: math, ramenn, sakura, shrine, study

Why are Tuesdays so Long?

JAPAN | Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | Views [591]

On Tuesday we started chapter six. Which was sad, because six is a multiple of three. We have chapter tests every three chapters. So even though it seemed like we’d just finished a chapter test, we were already nearly due for another one. Joy.... Read more >

Tags: cats, host family, japanese, math, programs

This should go without saying, but try to stay away from demons

JAPAN | Tuesday, 9 Feb 2016 | Views [362]

Wednesday was Setsubon, a day in Japan associated with demons. Specifically, a day associated with avoiding demons through eating or throwing beans. Since I hadn't gone to the Super before class on 3 February, the first indication I got ... Read more >

Tags: demons, japanese, math, pizza, sushi

Life Moves On

FRANCE | Wednesday, 25 Nov 2015 | Views [524]

Life moves on, but never back. There were two or three weeks that I meant to write about, but have now lost. Much of the same (classes, tests, how does French education function?) But also an entry of more touristy things. I finally made it into the ... Read more >

Tags: math, november 13, paris

I'm Getting Better at This!

FRANCE | Wednesday, 11 Nov 2015 | Views [420]

In Integration, we learned a few more theorems about integrals and sequences of functions (such as Borel-Canelli Lemma and Fatou’s lemma) and defined negligible sets (having a measure of zero) and properties that are true almost everywhere (true ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, classes, french, history, math, russian, topology

Is it the middle of the semester already? Because that would explain the midterms.

FRANCE | Wednesday, 4 Nov 2015 | Views [414]

Intégration was dedicated to proving the Monotone Convergence Theorem. The previous week, he’d given us a statement of the theorem, but said we didn’t have the time to prove it just then. But, with the entirety of a two hour class ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, classes, exams, french, history, math, russian, topology

Tests and Reviews

FRANCE | Tuesday, 20 Oct 2015 | Views [414]

In Integration, we started looking at integrals. On the first day of class, the CM professor had explained that the point of the class was not to teach us to integrate better. Which is good, because if that had been the point, spending five weeks without ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, classes, french, history, math, russian, topology

I'm still taking classes.

FRANCE | Saturday, 10 Oct 2015 | Views [441]

If anyone has been quietly thinking to themselves “why is she always talking about classes? I didn’t know she actually intended to study abroad,” worry no longer. As of this week, description of what’s going on in my classes ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, french, math, russian, school, topology

I never could get the hang of Thursdays

FRANCE | Monday, 28 Sep 2015 | Views [440]

Because I switched my French class, I no longer have a five hour break on Thursdays. Instead, I have a class from 10:45-12:45, and then I'm done. That class was topology. He didn't get around to defining homeomorphism, which means that the material ... Read more >

Tags: books, math, topology

My first in a long string of very long Fridays

FRANCE | Monday, 21 Sep 2015 | Views [361]

My Fridays begin at 9 in the morning at Juisseau. Except, seeing as I don't live right there, and even if I did I'd still need time to get ready in the mornings, this required getting up significantly earlier. Early enough that the sun had not finished ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, history of math, international students, math, phonetics

Topology and languages part two: the easy version of Wednesday

FRANCE | Sunday, 20 Sep 2015 | Views [459]

Thursday required me getting up in time to be at a 10:45 class. It is one of only two morning classes I have this semester. Life is rough. The class in question was topology. I think it won the dubious title of most comprehensible topology class ... Read more >

Tags: banking, french, math, sunset, topology

I'm not sure what language this is, but I think I understand

FRANCE | Saturday, 19 Sep 2015 | Views [321]

You'd think that, after one week of classes, I'd have enough familiarity with my schedule to be able to match names to numbers. Certainly, when I'm looking up the classrooms for the TDs, I'd pay accurate attention to which class I'm going to be going ... Read more >

Tags: math, russian, topology

And so another week of classes begins

FRANCE | Friday, 18 Sep 2015 | Views [444]

Analysis has grown on me every time I’ve taken it. The first time I took it, I liked it, but it was basically just a math class. A math class that involved more rigor and writing than I was used to, but nothing super special. The next analysis ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, food, harp, math

From Paris to Dijon

FRANCE | Monday, 14 Sep 2015 | Views [371]

Friday morning was rather lazy. I packed for the weekend, sorted through papers, and cleaned the apartment. After lunch, I headed to the university for my last "math" course of the week. Really, my only history class, since if it was a math course, ... Read more >

Tags: history, host family, math, trains

And then there's topology

FRANCE | Sunday, 13 Sep 2015 | Views [289]

I didn't realise until I got to campus that my next class (by process of elimination, that one had to be topology) that this class did not take place at the same lecture hall my previous one had. In fact, this one didn't take place at a numbered lecture ... Read more >

Tags: campus, dijon, math, topology

Analysis: an oasis of clarity and reasoning in the vast desert of the real world

FRANCE | Saturday, 12 Sep 2015 | Views [330]

Tuesday began with a meeting at the Brown in France office of how to live like a real Parisian. Specifically, how to live cheaply in an expensive city,like a real Parisian student. Tip number one: live at home. If your parents have lived in Paris ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, cheap, math, university

The Next Four Weeks

USA | Wednesday, 29 Jul 2015 | Views [361]

At the beginning of the blog, I gave the schedule and admitted that I had no idea what the last four weeks would look like, but could only assume it was all research all the time. Then I got through the first three weeks and stopped updating the blog.... Read more >

Tags: dgvf, endings, games, homology, math, programming

Ready for the Weekend

USA | Tuesday, 30 Jun 2015 | Views [445]

On Friday night, we took advantage of our new key priviliges to go into the guy's dorm without waiting outside for someone to let us in. Since I'd been the one to ask Dr. Aktar, he'd e-mailed me (and no one else) to tell us that it should work now, so ... Read more >

Tags: dresses, math, movies, walk

Time Flies When You're Doing Research

USA | Monday, 29 Jun 2015 | Views [404]

Thursday was the last day of the algebra short course. We finished up our cursury discussion of category theory with a couple of examples and theorems, and Dr. Aktar asked if we had any other questions. Angelo wanted to hear more about tensor products ... Read more >

Tags: analysis, dgvf, keys, math, set theory

The Revenge of the Projects

USA | Sunday, 28 Jun 2015 | Views [469]

During dinner on Tuesday, Dr. Farley made a comment about how he wanted to resurrect the original problem. (You know, theo one about generalizing procedures from two generators to more which mostly consisteted of cutting up and rearranging squares.) ... Read more >

Tags: dgvf, math, thompson group t

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