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There are [0] photos and [6] stories tagged with "host family".

Everybody Loves Kung Fu Fighting

JAPAN | Thursday, 5 May 2016 | Views [535]

Sunday we were supposed to leave the house around 8:30 for karate class. So I got up at 7:30, which had the perk that it meant the bread I got for breakfast was still warm. Other than that, there wasn't much of a difference between getting up at 7:30 ... Read more >

Tags: exercise, host family, karate

Meeting My Host Family

JAPAN | Monday, 2 May 2016 | Views [655]

Do to a miscommunication, we ended up showing up to the place to meet with our host families at the same time our host families were arriving. This was a mistake, because they were supposed to have a brief orientation before meeting us. So they went ... Read more >

Tags: beds, food, host family, jangken, sleep schedules

Why are Tuesdays so Long?

JAPAN | Thursday, 17 Mar 2016 | Views [550]

On Tuesday we started chapter six. Which was sad, because six is a multiple of three. We have chapter tests every three chapters. So even though it seemed like we’d just finished a chapter test, we were already nearly due for another one. Joy.... Read more >

Tags: cats, host family, japanese, math, programs

From Paris to Dijon

FRANCE | Monday, 14 Sep 2015 | Views [336]

Friday morning was rather lazy. I packed for the weekend, sorted through papers, and cleaned the apartment. After lunch, I headed to the university for my last "math" course of the week. Really, my only history class, since if it was a math course, ... Read more >

Tags: history, host family, math, trains

Just Hanging Out, Hanging Out, Hanging Out with my Family

MOROCCO | Friday, 13 Jun 2014 | Views [447]

The shower is the first thing that I look at and think “I need to put up with this for seven weeks?” Take a typical half-bath, maybe a little wider than normal and with a decent window sill. Shrink the sink so that you can move it into ... Read more >

Tags: arabic, food, host family, house

Are You My Mother?

MOROCCO | Wednesday, 11 Jun 2014 | Views [398]

The next day, my roommate and I woke up in time to be showered, dressed, packed, and leaving for breakfast by 9:00. We came to find that everyone else had beaten us to the breakfast room, though not by too much. (We were supposed to leave at 9:30.) ... Read more >

Tags: arabic, food, host family, moroccan customs

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