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My Travels This is a day by day journal, so in the future I can look back and reflect on my experiences and those I have shared them with.


There are [95] photos and [24] stories about China

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Arrived in Kunming but I ain't stopping

Tuesday, 4 Nov 2008 | Views [487]

Arrived in a wet and dreary Kunming this morning.  Met up with a guide at the railway station who, for two pounds sorted me out with an overnight bus to the border and assisted me in finding an internet cafe.  Which is where I've been for most of the ... Read more >

Cooking in wet Yangshuo

Monday, 3 Nov 2008 | Views [572]

I was up until the early hours watching the Brazilian Grand Prix, and it was great to see Lewis Hamiton win the championship. Got picked up from the hostel by the chef and taken to the local market, where we met some other wannabe chefs.  The market ... Read more >

Soaked in Yangshuo

Sunday, 2 Nov 2008 | Views [463]

It's been pissing down with rain all day.  Unfortunately most of the things to do involve being outside.  I've booked a Chinese cookery lesson for tomorrow morning as rain is forecast all week. This will involve getting the products from the local market ... Read more >


Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Views [517]

Felt pretty crap most of the morning since of the night before's antics.  Finally felt human again about midday and hired a bike for the afternoon to explore the neigbouring countryside.  It started to rain pretty much as soon as I set off.  Despite ... Read more >

Yangshuo - Balloon Ride

Friday, 31 Oct 2008 | Views [470]

Up at 5:30 am to take balloon ride over the valley and river. Fantastic!!!!! Not a clear day but spectacular all the same.  It was amazing to see the area from the sky.  The Health Safety briefing was to say the least, brief.....No smmoking and bend ... Read more >

Gallery: Yangshuo

Thursday, 30 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Yangshuo - Bike Ride

Thursday, 30 Oct 2008 | Views [372]

I had booked a guide for the day to show me round the local area by bicycle. Me, the guide and two others set out and headed up one of the riverbanks. The views and scenery were amazing. The cycled through local farming villages where they were harvesting ... Read more >

Guilin to Yangshuo

Wednesday, 29 Oct 2008 | Views [420]

I had previously booked a ticket for a river trip from Guilin to Yangshuo. The scenery was amazing albiet hazy again. The river meandered its way south, and from the boat I was able to see many of the locals going on about their daily business on the ... Read more >

Gallery: Guilin

Tuesday, 28 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Beijing – Guilin

Tuesday, 28 Oct 2008 | Views [396]

Up early to catch an early flight to Guilin. Once at Guilin airport, got the bus to the centre, checked into a hotel, dumped my stuff and went exploring. The park called “elephant trunk park” (see photo). It was extremely hot and humid but the park was ... Read more >

Beijing Sightseeing

Monday, 27 Oct 2008 | Views [345]

Felt rough from the night before so didn't have the early start I’d hoped for. Got the bus to the Temple of Heaven. An area covering 2.73 km² of parkland, and comprises three main worshipping areas and buildings. Very interesting and spent most of the ... Read more >

Beijing Sightseeing

Sunday, 26 Oct 2008 | Views [516]

Clare had to go home today. I joined her and the rest of the group on the coach to airport in the early hours. I think we both knew it would be difficult saying goodbye given all the things we have experienced in the last few days, and knowing that we ... Read more >

Beijing Sightseeing

Saturday, 25 Oct 2008 | Views [300]

The rest of the group had arranged various things but Clare and I had decided to do our own thing. We headed off for the Olympic Stadium. Obviously still a very popular tourist attraction since it was swarming. Went into the stadium, which was amazing, ... Read more >

The Great Wall - Mutianyu to Juyongguan

Friday, 24 Oct 2008 | Views [538]

A short bus transfer took us to Juyongguan which is very commercialized and touristy part of wall. The acscent was extremely steep with hundreds of steps and hundreds of Chinese clambering up and the wall. Many of the Chinese took great delight in having ... Read more >

The Great Wall - Simatei to Mutianyu

Thursday, 23 Oct 2008 | Views [572]

There was a huge down pour in the evening which had cleared the haze which we have had until today. Now clear blue skies and sunshine. Hoorah!!! The coach took us to Mutianyu to start today’s walk about a three hour drive from the previous location.... Read more >

The Great Wall - Jinshanlin to Simatei

Wednesday, 22 Oct 2008 | Views [669]

A great and long day's trekking. Very challenging, particularly on the unrestored sections of the wall with the loose bricks and uneven ground underfoot. At the end of the walk the quickest way down was via a zip slide over the valley and river below.... Read more >

The Great Wall - Gubeiko to Jinshanlin

Tuesday, 21 Oct 2008 | Views [738]

Walked through the local villages and farmland to pick up the wall again. Once walking to the highest point for this section the view was amazing. The wall just went on for miles and miles, which obviously it does, that was the whole point, but to see ... Read more >

The Great Wall - Mountain Village to Gubeiko

Monday, 20 Oct 2008 | Views [527] | Comments [1]

Said goodbye to our hosts and headed up through the local farming terraces, and rocky hillsides to rejoin the wall, which was not restored and crumbling so we took the path adjacent to it. Great views from the ridge and the highest point. We dropped ... Read more >

The Great Wall - Huangyaguan to a Mountain Village

Sunday, 19 Oct 2008 | Views [524] | Comments [1]

A challenging days walking. Firstly, headed up on a renovated section of the wall, before encountering ‘Heaven’s Ladder”, a steep climb over precarious steps up the cliff face. A fantastic view from the top, once we head caught our breath we ... Read more >

Gallery: The Great Wall

Saturday, 18 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

Various photos from Trekking
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First Day on the Great Wall

Saturday, 18 Oct 2008 | Views [555]

Left Beijing and headed for Huangyaguan for the first part of the walk on the Wall. The accommodation was basic but the area is not renowned for it's five star luxury... no Four Seasons here! The wall and the views were amazing, since it's getting ... Read more >

Gallery: Beijing

Friday, 17 Oct 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Hello Beijing!

Friday, 17 Oct 2008 | Views [372]

Arrived in Beijing in the early hours. A swift exit though the airport and grabbed a cab to the hotel. A bit of a culture shock to say the least. The hotel was near the West Beijing station, and by the time I got there rush was well and truly in full ... Read more >

Goodbye Blighty

Thursday, 16 Oct 2008 | Views [328]

Felt rather smug sitting on the train on cold cloudy day amongst the commuters on their way to work. Me, however, on my way to Heathrow to catch a plane to Beijing. Ha Ha! Had a swift check in at T5. The flight left on time and was made more bearable ... Read more >



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